Thursday, January 15, 2009


It now seems the BOE feels the need to attack the athletic program. Why? Don't know none of the BOE can say! To post all of the Fall coaching jobs in the TU on Sunday without informing the coaches that have coached the sports is reprehensible. Another action by a board that "HAS NO CLUE"

Mr. Angelo apparently is running this bus into a wall. Thanks Mr. Angelo! You screwed this district up the last time you were on the board and now you are going to do it again. With children in the sports program in this school district it is going to be a scary time. I wonder if Mr. Angelo ever played on a team.

We need to continue to remove 3 more from the BOE in May and take back our School district. I am so tired of hearing this board is going after freinds of Terry Brewer. I still have yet to see what he did so wrong.