Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What are the real issues?

A superintendent who is not a good fit for East Greenbush Central Schools. Or is the BOE on a power trip and/or out of touch?


Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily agree the BOE is totally at is my understanding that Dr. Furlong is very good at misrepresenting herself during interviews. There's an old adage..." you can't shine Sh*t"....well, obviously you can, and we-(the taxpayers of the EGCSD) are stuck with her for three , full years !! Try to keep this all in perspective, remeber it all at the next BOE elections.....that's our best defense...a great offense !!

Anonymous said...

We are not stuck with her for three years. If the taxpayers of the district make it uncomfortable for her she will leave. Just as she did in Unatego. SHOW UP AT THE BOE MEETINGS! Certainly, the BOE has an obligation to the taxpayers of this district. An obligation I think most of them may have forgotten. One we won't forget at ELECTION TIME.

Anonymous said...

I know this may sound a little crazy, but I go to bed every night praying she leaves this district or the board wakes up, or sucks it up buddy or anyone that will speak for those who can not. PLEASE HELP. To the Board Please ask questions. Dont just turn your heads. Not only should we remember this at election time, but this might be a good time to boycott where the board memebers work. Does anyone know where each work?

Anonymous said...

This blog will make more sense to you if you first check out

Anonymous said...

The BOE doesn't care about their obligation to the taxpayers of this district....they have their own "pet projects" and other than a few moments of lucidity, when they get off their "high horses", it's business as usual. We have to vote them out to achieve the change that is so desparately needed. Dr. Furlong is simply a planted employee, she's no administrator, never has been, never will be. Her shortcomings will become glaringly obvious to all residents of the district, who will have no choice but to call for her termination. Then we'll see if the BOE has any guts.

Anonymous said...

"Some Gruesome-People needs to get a life and realize that she cannot make herself famous by defamizing others. Even the opening banner of this blog shows what fools all of you are. "Or the BOE who is on a power trip and out of touch?" PROOFREAD!

By the way, it is also "against the law" to use school district machines and time to surf the Internet. I guess we can worry about some rules (if they affect us), but not others?

Seriously, will you realize that Brewer's days are OVER...let it go, and move on.

Oh, and please refrain from poking fun at the sound like something out of the 1960s Deep South Era (let's drive out of town a board that dares to think differently about education than we the Neanderthal do).

The fact that this comment probably won't make the posting (since it requires proofing by the author) shows how selectively naive you are. Let's have freedom of speech, but filter out the posts that don't support our point and actually CALL us to debate.

You don't want things to get better, you just want the rush of engaging in a witch hunt to drive out a Superintendent. I think if Dr. Furlong were to change all of her behaviors tomorrow, you still wouldn't be happy. You want somebody to burn, and you've decided it WILL be her. Again, very mature.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to make a few points. First, It is not against the law to surf the web on district machines and time. If a teacher is on their lunch break or planning time they can do what they want. Second, who says that the ones posting to this blog are district employees or for that matter are even doing it in school? I happen to be in the comfort of my own home right now. Third, I guess there is such a thing as free speech since the author of this blog allowed your opinions (However misguided they are) to be posted. You are obviously out of touch with the issues this district is having and how they will affect everyone (Including the tax payers).

Anonymous said...

After reading this I had to respond to one comment.

"Oh, and please refrain from poking fun at the sound like something out of the 1960s Deep South Era (let's drive out of town a board that dares to think differently about education than we the Neanderthal do)".

Before you start making yourself look as foolish as your post was! Making assumptions will always get you in trouble. But after going to recent BOE meetings I am convinced they are out of touch with the public they were elected to serve.

True it is a thankless job. But when people have agenda's "yes Mr. Werking you can deny whatever you want". What happens is what we now have on our hands. An incompetent superintendent and a BOE who forgot who put them in those seats.

Anonymous said...

You have yet to explain how I am "out of touch" with the issues at hand. Besides referencing the same Bell Top principal saga and a few instances of Dr. Furlong acting as a superintendent should (enforcing policy and fiscal conservatism), I have yet to see any problems in her leadership, it is just different than what you have experienced for the past 15 years.

I pay taxes just like the rest of you who are authoring comments. I doubt "Mr. Werking" or any of the Board members have their own agenda, but I guess it's quite hypocritical for you to say that, isn't it? I'm guessing your agenda (guessing; instead change that to knowing) is something like the following:

1. Abuse the taxpayers and "buy out" Dr. Furlong's contract, at whatever cost to district (don't worry, Dr. L can find the money previously laundered by our former leader).

2. Get an interim that recently retired from the school district.

3. Pick a new superintendent that is either a disgrunted assistant or a candidate from Cohoes.

Sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

Making assumptions and criminal allegations all in the same response. I don't know Mr. Brewer any better than most of the taxpayers in this town. If he laundered money as you alleged than something should be done about it. If you can't prove it than you shouldn't open your mouth.

If the BOE was not happy with the candidates that they received from the search committee that they hired than I am sure that the taxpayers would be ok with that. However, to bring in a superintendent, who in her last school upwards of 10 teacher resigned and several seasoned administrators were forced out. All due to how DR. Furlong ran the district. Speaks volumes to this boards AGENDA!

When a High School senior from Unatego writes a letter to the editor, to say her school is still in shambles because of the good DR and that it will take years to heal.

When there was a Bomb Scare in Unatego, the whole thing was mishandled and kids were left out in the cold winter not far enough away from the school because of her inexperience.

She was going to be thrown out of her last district but our board didn't know that? We are in the information age. It is so easy to obtain information. These days it takes only minutes to learn more about people. Our board dropped the ball here. They should have known her history and if they didn't they were negligent in thier duty.

We won't be negligent in ours on election day!

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression the BOE has the final say with hirings, and approval of fiscal spending? So if the allegations of laundering, or hiring conspiracies are at all true, doesn't the BOE share some of that responsibility? The BOE should be doing better research on the candidates applying and interviewing in this district prior to their "Final" approval. If their intent in hiring Dr. Furlong was to rid the district of mediocrity, as she claims, the BOE is only hiding behind the superintendent once again, and blaming the superintendent.

Oh, and it's disgruntled. Which that administrator is not, but rather a very accomplished, respected, and professional leader. I would imagine it is quite difficult for our qualified administrators to maintain their sanity working so closely with the ineptness demonstrated by Dr. Furlong. The Superintendent would benefit greatly by emulating the professionalism of her other administrators. All I have witnessed of her thus far are misquoted cliches, negative comments, sarcasm, and delegation of her responsibilities. Computer solitaire must be quite time consuming. The BOE does not need to look very deep to find plenty of information to release her from her contract. I believe the word is "incompetent."

Anonymous said...

I don't wish to get involved in this running record of baby talk between these 2 authors, but referring to the tragic accident that Jim McHugh was involved in as "The Bell Top Principal Saga" is high impersonal, insensitive, and rude.

Anonymous said...

I would like to echo the last post.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am so disheartened and upset. The fact that this blog site has now become a place to blast other people and be mean and threatening to each other is just proof of what Dr. Furlong has done to us. When I read a post that is obviously written by a school board member, and is downright rude and accusatory, I am appalled. I expect much more from the people we elected- MUCH more. My biggest concern as of now is who is concentrating on the education of my children. The success of all students should be the major priority of the superintendent, the school board, and the community. I am witnessing over and over our district that was once strong, close-knit, and proud becoming weak, negative, and bitter. People are turning on each other everywhere and no one is realizing that Dr. Furlong has caused this simply by quietly turning you all against each other with lies. There may even be decisions that people would agree with her on, but the way she goes about things is no other word than wrong. The way I see it this has nothing to do with Mr. Brewer- some people loved him some people hated him. Everyone I speak with these days does not have kind words to say about Dr. Furlong. We used to all be working for the same goal, we just used to go about it in different ways, now we are all working against each other. If I didn't know better I would think this is her grand plan, she can step back and not care what any of you think and walk away some day. We live here and care about our community and our children, so please let's work together, because ultimately my children are the ones suffering. To the members of the school board that refuse to acknowledge any problems, please just be open minded and objective. You were elected by the taxpayers because they felt you could do good for our district and that you would listen to them if they had issues. I now get a feeling from some that they don't want to talk to anyone in the community. It seems they are more concerned about proving they were right then admitting there may be a problem they need to fix. I could be wrong, but I would have so much more respect for someone who was willing to work on the problems and come up with solutions, for someone that could admit they may have made a wrong decision then for someone who turns a deaf ear and blind eye to the community members and the STUDENTS of this district. Thank you to whoever created this blog site. Although I never planned on adding a post, I felt compelled today after reading. For those of you who are not familiar with Blogs it's a great way for people to vent frustrations or communicate with others on many topics anonymously. Thank you for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A long time district employee that sustained such serious and life threatening injuries being called a "saga" with such a cynical tone! I hope you are not a district employee with your cold hearted, inconsiderate and careless attitude. What an example to set for our young learners! Maybe you can use the winter break to check the real estate deals in some other counties!
Maybe somebody can tell "Dr. Ray" that there's more to running a school district than the bus garage. Hats off to our district's entire transportation department - they're awesome but that's all the man talks about these days. Oh yeah, thank goodness that our high school now has the gay-straight alliance! This gives him two items to talk about. I hesitate to get negative, but I've witnessed a lot, and it is time to attend meetings, get involved and talk about real issues.
We can't chase our great district employees away!

Anonymous said...

Jim McHugh's horrific accident is not a "saga". What are you thinking?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At Unatego, we collected nearly 800 signatures on a petition that was presented to the BOE at a BOE meeting... demanding that Becky Furlong's contract NOT be extended. You ARE NOT stuck w/ her for 3 years, East Greenbush.. we were only STUCK w/ her for 1.5 of a 3 year contract. Start YOUR petition!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am so disheartened and upset. The fact that this blog site has now become a place to blast other people and be mean and threatening to each other is just proof of what Dr. Furlong has done to us. When I read a post that is obviously written by a school board member, and is downright rude and accusatory, I am appalled. I expect much more from the people we elected- MUCH more. My biggest concern as of now is who is concentrating on the education of my children. The success of all students should be the major priority of the superintendent, the school board, and the community. I am witnessing over and over our district that was once strong, close-knit, and proud becoming weak, negative, and bitter. People are turning on each other everywhere and no one is realizing that Dr. Furlong has caused this simply by quietly turning you all against each other with lies. There may even be decisions that people would agree with her on, but the way she goes about things is no other word than wrong. The way I see it this has nothing to do with Mr. Brewer- some people loved him some people hated him. Everyone I speak with these days does not have kind words to say about Dr. Furlong. We used to all be working for the same goal, we just used to go about it in different ways, now we are all working against each other. If I didn't know better I would think this is her grand plan, she can step back and not care what any of you think and walk away some day. We live here and care about our community and our children, so please let's work together, because ultimately my children are the ones suffering. To the members of the school board that refuse to acknowledge any problems, please just be open minded and objective. You were elected by the taxpayers because they felt you could do good for our district and that you would listen to them if they had issues. I now get a feeling from some that they don't want to talk to anyone in the community. It seems they are more concerned about proving they were right then admitting there may be a problem they need to fix. I could be wrong, but I would have so much more respect for someone who was willing to work on the problems and come up with solutions, for someone that could admit they may have made a wrong decision then for someone who turns a deaf ear and blind eye to the community members and the STUDENTS of this district. Thank you to whoever created this blog site. Although I never planned on adding a post, I felt compelled today after reading. For those of you who are not familiar with Blogs it's a great way for people to vent frustrations or communicate with others on many topics anonymously. Thank you for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Ok I am all for the board to be fically sound with the tax payers budgets, but remember the cuts that are being taken are cuts for things for our kids. How do you think we the parents feel when we hear our kids are not going to be able to go somewhere,BUT She just got all new Furniture, Does a board member care to explain how much that cost? I do agree we should not defame board members BUT she is the one that said that a male boe member wanted to take her to play Put Put and SHE was making fun of him, she is the one that said the BOE members keep wanting "JUST an hr of her time" and said what can these people talk to me for an hr about let alone they want to do this at 4pm like i need to stick around. IT was HER who said how the BOE members would not pay for her hotel stay on the weekends and she had to check out friday am b4 school on friday and God for bid they spend a buck, it was she that said a male BOE member had his "friends" at the bar in EG and she didnt show up. She has been poking fun of the BOE members,,,she set the tone.
And as far as money laundering, does that person really know what money laundering is? That is a pretty silly statement. There is no way anyone is "money Laundering" maybe you should really look up what that means b4 you say that. Plus not only one person is in charge of money in the school district. I HOPE boe.

Anonymous said...

to the board of ed. member that wrote that post:
before you throw that next knife at the community and staff and retired employees you might want to pull the one out of your own backs. No problems huh?

Anonymous said...

The fact that you have all ganged up and fixated on the word "saga" shows that you are truly out for blood, and not for our kids. The word "saga" was not meant to be a substitute for the tragedy undergone by the McHugh family. The tragedy was using the pain and suffering of a family that has done so much for this community as fodder to hate Dr. Furlong. Her enforcement of a policy does not make her evil, it makes her fiscally responsible. My thoughts and prayers are with Jim McHugh and his family, so please refrain from painting this defense of a school leader as a way to prove that her "defendant" is a cold, heartless individual. Before you go any further, consider my use of the word saga a misnomer.

Anonymous said...

If Becky Furlong is such a "good Superintendent".... how come she only served 1.5 years of a 3 year contract at Unatego? A fact that speaks for itself, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Check out this article from Dr. Furlong's hometown:

Anonymous said...

if she was REALLY worried about our money,then the fact that the union and teachers offered 2days of every one of maureen's THAT would have saved us money. UNLESS she cant add too. 2 days for every one would save us more money The tax payers need to know the truth! And now shes been here how long and buying all new furniture, Where does that money come from? And are we the tax payers paying for these persons to teach her how to do that job? Im glad the board would not interview anyone that didnt already do the "job" before and now we have someone teaching her how to do her job. This is really easy to say I MADE A MISTAKE! Ask the kids at the high school in Peer leadership about what they think about her, how she speaks...These High School kids are on to her too. im still waiting for the board member that keeps leaving his blogs to answer some of these questions... who pays for that furniture, or do you want to wait till the board meeting to ans. Just ripping us and not answering the big questions is not covering it up. Keep letting her make those cuts, keep treating our kids that way, and keep letting her buy stuff for herself...come on what is wrong with that picture, this is a school district for kids not a way to spend money on Becky

Anonymous said...

Wow... she "needed" new, leather furniture & a new desk at Unatego too... too many similarities for this to be comical.

A "mentor"...??!! Bet Becky's loving that "special attention"! Or, at least, one of her personalities is probably grateful to have "a friend".

Anonymous said...

What furniture did she buy?

Anonymous said...

Here's a story from the newspaper announcing Dr. Furlong's "resignation" from Unatego.

What brains did EGCSD have taking the chance of hiring her??


Top Unatego official leaving

By Mark Boshnack

Staff Writer

Unatego Central School Superintendent Rebecca Furlong confirmed Monday she will be leaving at the end of the month to become superintendent at East Greenbush Central School.

She is making $123,600 a year at Unatego. The advertisement for her new post lists the salary at $160,000 to $180,000.

Recently, she has been involved with controversy at the school about such issues as teacher morale and community concern about the direction of the school.

Furlong, who came to Unatego in 2005, still had a year to go on her contract.

"It just came time for me to move on," she said.

During her tenure, she said, the school has seen increasing test scores, and voters passed two budgets and a capital project.

"I really believe we have done some good things," she said.

In response to criticism, Furlong said, "Everybody has the right to their opinion and the right to be heard."

Unatego Board of Education President Deb Davis said the board has not had an opportunity to discuss the transition.

The resignation presents an "opportunity to move forward and try to address the concerns at every level," she said.

Unatego Teacher Association President Kevin Clark said, "People were upset with the superintendent and her decisions. It will be up to the board to begin a healing process."

Lew Keyser is the head of the Unatego Concerned Citizens group that was formed in January to address issues, some of which involved Furlong’s leadership.

"We’re very happy and excited" about her decision to leave, he said. "Now the healing process can begin."

The group will continue to advocate for increased community involvement with the board over such issues.

Direct link to article:

Anonymous said...

Correction on Becky's "hometown".The Unatego district area certainly wasn't her "home". She occupied a residence here (although, not even in OUR district). A "hometown" is a place that sustains a person with warm memories & friendly faces on people who are genuinely pleased to see you! "OUR" area most certainly isn't "home" for Ms. Furlong!

Anonymous said...

So, how 'bout the latest Becky decision. Not allowing the students at the middle school to play Christmas music because Becky fears that they are going to OFFEND SOMEONE???


Anonymous said...

who said that about "one of her personaliities?" You HIT the nail on the head, within a month we felt this is not normal, there is more then one personality here.
I Cant believe she bought new furniture there too, its leather too. Is this a JOKE?
And while all the good Old boys were out working with our kids Friday Night, ALL of them, wherer was dear Dr Furlong, In Albany at a Bar. So who would we rather running our schools? Keep bashing the ones taking care of the kids,while she takes away from them.
And just because she has a mentor doesnt mean she has a "friend"

Anonymous said...

so lets recap:
The Board brings her in here to save us tax payers money.

Cost of her Hotel stay while waiting to sell her house $ ?
The cost of her new furniture $?
The cost of her salary $?
the cost of the mentor to teach her to do her job$?

the cost of getting rid of her: PRICELESS.
So now will our budget be higher or maybe even lower because the kids will see all the cuts from her.
You DARE to cut our kids programs after all the money you just shelled out for her

And its Mr Brewer that did something with our money????IDONT THINK SO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There probably weren't any Halloween parties or costumes permitted either, right? If not this year.. count on it for next year!

Anonymous said...

In the local East Greenbush paper, The Independent, announcing the hiring of Dr. Furlong, she was quoted as saying, "I can't wait for the kids to come!" with a big smile on her face. Has ANYONE seen her in any classes observing real live students?

Anonymous said...


She obviously had issues with the public, parent, teachers, administrators, unions,....basically any living thing.

This is from the march 6th issue of the The Daily Star, a newspaper from her previous district.

Unatego board gets petitions

By Mark Boshnack

Staff Writer

WELLS BRIDGE _ Several groups addressed the Unatego Central School Board during its regular Monday meeting to ask for changes in the direction the school district is heading.

About 75 people attended the meeting in the Junior/Senior High School cafeteria.

The spokesman for Unatego Concerned Citizens, Lew Keyser, presented the seven board members with what he said were petitions signed by 781 residents opposing a new contract for Superintendent Rebecca Furlong.

She is in the middle of a three-year contract, and the board previously delayed extending her pact until a performance review scheduled for this month.

"The loss of trust and credibility suffered by the superintendent" through a series of actions can never be regained, he said. Problems he cited included high employee turnover, low staff morale and lack of emergency planning as evidenced by the school’s reaction to a bomb threat.

After the meeting, board President Deb Davis said that she did not know much about the petitions, including who signed them, so she could not comment.

Many of the concerns addressed by the group and others are personnel issues and can’t be discussed, she said.

But "we are hearing their concerns and have discussed the issues," she said. "We are doing our job right, no matter how things might appear to others."

The community and others asking questions "have to trust us, that we are looking (into issues) and responding the best we can."

Davis then went into an executive session meeting.

Furlong was already in the closed session. When previously asked about the petitions, she said, "It disappoints me."

She said she has made a commitment to the district, and "this is where I want to stay."

Others that spoke during privilege of the floor included members of unions that represent staff.

Judy Pitel, vice president of the nursing and clerical association, said her group has recently aligned itself with three other unions, representing such groups as teachers, bus drivers and maintenance, "to impact change."

The Daily Star Weekly Photo GalleriesView and purchase local photos from The Daily Star
She called on board members to show the "leadership" needed to preserve its staff.

Kevin Held, a technology teacher and member of the Unatego Teachers Association executive committee, said it is time for the board to take a stand on matters to improve communication among the school, community and staff.

In other business, Business Administrator Nicholas Rosas discussed a capital project that is scheduled to appear on the May ballot, along with the school budget.

More information will be available at a special meeting at 7 p.m. Monday.

Here's the direct link:

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Residents of EGCSD...BEWARE!!!! It is normal for a district to sign a 3 yr. contract with a Superintendent, with an evaluation by the BOE in 1 yr......noting their intent to renew contract for another 3 yrs. Because it is a personnel issue, it is done in Exec. Session, but you need to hold your BOE members accountable for their decisions!!!

Anonymous said...

The above writer may be correct. Rumor has it that Dr. Furlong is already asking the board to extend her contract in early 2008 for another 3 years. She probably wants this done before the board changes.

Anonymous said...

She can have her contract extended before she is even through the first year of a three year contract? The current BOE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE either way it falls. THEY SCREWED UP bringing her here. They are going to shown the door when thier terms expire.

Anonymous said...

Here's an article about one the other finalist the East Greenbush School board interviewed. HOW MUCH WAS THIS CONSULTING COMPANY PAID TO DO A SEARCH??? This guy and Furlong had an awful lot of baggage? Is this the best they could do? Why didn't they choose somebody else or open it back up?

The Radnor school district superintendent, Gary Cooper, who came under increasing fire in the last year for his management style and for approving a grade change for a high school student last fall without notifying the teacher, has resigned.
Cooper, 56, who was hired in 2004 to a five-year contract and was paid $198,450 this year, made the announcement at a school board meeting last night. His last day will be Aug. 31.

A statement issued by the district said Cooper was leaving because he had "decided to pursue other interests." Cooper said in the statement....The last year has been a tumultuous one for the 3,675-student district, one of the highest-performing in the state, and Cooper has been the target of ire from several quarters.

Teachers' contract negotiations last summer and fall were acrimonious, with a threatened strike, and some teachers, including the union's leadership, said the superintendent's attitude toward them during and after the talks was partly responsible for strained relations.....Since June, eight administrators either have left or will soon be leaving, and in recent months several residents, saying they thought morale was low among the staff, asked the school board to launch an investigation to determine the cause of the exodus.

A cheating incident early this year in which 26 seniors and juniors were suspended for circulating the answers to an Advanced Placement test also roiled the district. And the arrest of senior Cameron Plaice last fall for allegedly writing threats on a restroom wall sparked a debate about tolerance and diversity after his defenders said he was responding to racist and anti-Semitic slurs.

Relations between the teachers and the administration were shaken again early this year when it became known that three grades of a high school student were changed by the principal last fall, with Cooper's approval and without the knowledge of the teacher involved.

Anonymous said...

Pressure needs to be Put on JOANNE HART, she is the ring leader of this group. She's the puppeteer to ths crazed women. There stands all the problems, she is the one we need to start the phone calls to. She is the biggest fan of this women only because she finally feels as if she has power. All of us parents need to make phone calls to her about the lousey changes, the uncontrollable spending the board is doing only to keep her puppet here in place.

Anonymous said...

You'll want to be SURE Becky doesn't get a contract extension regardless! You may elect new board members (as we're doing @ Unatego)but if your CURRENT board gives her the contract extension, she'll continue to be a "tick" in your district. Taking all that she can from the "host" & giving nothing in return. Maybe our BOE President can move to your area & be reunited w/ Becky! They make such a perfect pair!

Anonymous said...

During the yearly budget process, there is an opportunity tor residents to pick up a petition to run for a seat on the BOE. Although there is no monetary reward, the rewards of community service to a school district are great. I would encourage residents to consider running for the BOE. You CAN make a difference!!!! As a BOE member in another local district, I know, firsthand, the difference one person can make in the decision making process!!

Anonymous said...

You always have the option of buying her out of her contract. You'll have to consider the cost of keeping her here and ruining a great school district, or paying her off to get rid of her!!!! Whatever the cost...hold your BOE responsible. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT ARBITRARILY HIRED HER!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's not just Joanne Hart, it's also Ray Werking. They need to be voted out , plain and simple. They've had their warnings, they read this blog, don't think they don't. We need to hold those two accountable for this choice they made. Rays brother made some serious mistakes when he ran and ruined the Town Board in east Greenbush years ago , he got voted out by the biggest margin in the history of East Greenbush Town Board elections, we need to show Ray and Joanne the door and replace them with people who listen to what the taxpayers want.

Anonymous said...

Keep the heat on the BOE. The Tamarac SD was able to reinstate a beloved coach and force the resignation of one of their BOE members after poor decision making!!!! Your voices need to be heard loud and clearly!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the mentors are and how much they cost?

Anonymous said...

I do not know who the mentors are BUT I heard one already gave can't mentor feelings, personality, respect, compassion, mannors, and understanding. She would have had to stop playing on her computer to learn something and she couldnt do that! To
all the other school districts who have been putting up posts, calling our employees giving us advice, please keep it coming, its nice to know someone does care about us. To all the other school districts that are offering our employees jobs and positions we really do appreciate you...Maybe you people can explain this to our board. voters of this school district we are about to loose some really good people!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, when a district is in disarray, you not only lose good educators, but fail to attract new educators to fill empty positions, because they do not want to be a part of a a district with poor leadership and low morale!!! There is a great cost and ripple effect to the decisions made by the sitting BOE. These people are charged with setting policy that leads the district.....can you truly trust their judgement??? You have the ability to ask the NYS Comm. of Education to remove them from their BOE seats!!!!! Get some legal advice!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the district
Not a creature was stirring, not even “Dr. Ray”, the louse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Rebecca Furlong would soon be gone.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of a great education danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature school bus, with nine board members.

With a large old driver, so vindictive and sick,
I knew in a moment it must be our president, JoAnn Hart.
More rapid than eagles her coursers they came,
And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Catherine! now, Thomas! now, Marie and Karen!
On, Linda! On, James! , on John and Ray!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to Central Administration the coursers they flew,
With the bus full of bizarre decisions, and JoAnn Hart too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney the board members came with a bound.

They were dressed all in fur, from their head to their foot,
And their reputations were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of demands and decisions she had flung on her back,
And she looked like a peddler, just opening her pack.

Her eyes-how they twinkled! her dimples how merry!
Her cheeks were like roses, her nose like a cherry!
Her droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And her smirk on her face was as cold as the snow.

The stump of a pipe she held tight in her teeth,
And the smoke it encircled her head like a wreath.
She had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when she laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

She was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw her, in spite of myself!
A wink of her eye and a twist of her head,
Soon gave me to know I so very much to dread.

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And emptied all the stockings, then turned like a jerk.
And laying her finger aside of her nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney she rose!

She sprang to her bus, to her team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard her exclaim, ‘forget about the kids,
"Here’s to us, and to all a good-fright!"


Anonymous said...

It is very brave of all of you to use your ample free time making snide comments and coming up with smart little poems without signing any of your names. I would suggest finding something a little more fulfilling to do with your time. Please enjoy this Holiday season. Our family appreciates your best Holiday wishes.
Merritt Hart-Gorman

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1. She had 3 mentors which the district paid for.

2. She's out for the high school principal, althetic director and others she considers to be from "the boys club".

3. When she visited one of the schools opening week and was asked is she wanted to see the students, she replied she was not there to see the students.

4. She has not been seen in some buildings since being hired.

5. No district employee is allowed to use district computers for "personal" reasons.

Anonymous said...

Written school district policy states that district computers are not to be used by ANY employee for personal reasons.

Anonymous said...

Hence the term "PERSONAL COMPUTERS"... use THOSE for your personal business! That's a no-brainer for ALL district employees in ALL districts. Can't count the number of times my child has said the teacher was "on the computer" during the class time... ??!!