Thursday, December 20, 2007


A good point from an anonymous source:

Things for EG taxpayers to consider in May:
-$20,000 for a search committee
-$15,000 for a mentor
-paid leave of absence for Dr. F.
-possibly having to buy out her contract when she leaves
-starting all over with a new search
-signing a new contract for a new hireand all the angst, and uproar caused by this whole situation,
ALSO, we know for a fact that Dr. Becky was planning to work all day Monday, so why the LIE from the BOE that this was a requested leave for a personal matter? Why not tell the tax payers, staff and public that they requested she take a leave until her issues are cleared up? If it is not something that happened at our district, as rumors suggest, then tell us so upfront. We don't need the legal personnel details, just truth from our board.


Anonymous said...

You may want to clarify one of your above comments. I think you meant "Becky was planning on being PRESENT all day", not working. DId she ever WORK all day?

Good points on all the $$$$$ and time this board has wasted. A simple Google and listening to the focus group would have prevented all of this.

I wouldn't be surprised if this board hired Gary Cooper next...the other final candidtae that was pushed out of his last job in PA. The only candidate that didn't have a whole lot of bagage was Dedrick. That would have made too much sense to hire him!!! He'd probably never even accept an interview here now after the way he was treated. Or they could have at least given Guptil and interview.

Only in East Greenbush.......

Anonymous said...

OK, So I ask again,
Who has suffered and what trip was cancelled?
The real suffering came from blogspots such as this one!
I have seen nothing but lies and half-truths come from these pages.
Example, (I back MY statement with FACT) one of the best attended BOE meetings this year was the direct result of a rumor that the super was cutting the turf field project. What REALLY happened, as explained by Mr. Poost, was that there were differences in the bids from the original projected costs that the district received back from contractors. The result was that we may actually get a better field than first planned! (Nice job Dr. Furlong)
I truly believe that the BOE and administration was so busy dealing with the sewage dripping from this and other sites that they were unable to concentrate on the real job at hand, EDUCATION!! It is time to flush this toilet and bring the super back to do the job we have hired her to do.
This district is a great district acting like an ignorant district. It is time for a certain teacher to go back to reading books in the back of board meetings instead of sitting in the front and stirring up trouble!
Let me clarify, I have no doubt in the capabilities of Mike Leonard, I just like to see that he is finally dressing as an administrator should dress. I also have nothing but respect for Dr. Guptil and I refuse to defame her in any way.
If you want respect from the students, you must teach them respect. What are we teaching them with the actions of the narrow minded people that have rail-roaded our super? Let's teach them how to stretch the truth to fit their agendas and when that doesn't work, attack others and lie!
So, in closing, I ask again, Who has suffered and what trip was cancelled?

Anonymous said...


Here are some posts from Unatego Concerned Citizens Blog (

Anonymous said...
Dr. Furlong "resigned" from Unatego. Unfortunately, after she left, it seems to me that everyone stopped taking an interest in what is going on with other things in the school. It was as if everyone thought things would be great just because she was gone. We still have a corrupt board.

Thu Dec 20, 02:37:00 PM

Anonymous said...
At Unatego, we are THRILLED to hear that Becky is no longer soiling your district! Almost as thrilled as we were to hear she was part of our past! But you'll find, as we have, that she was only PART of your problem! The remaining problem you face is your SCHOOL BOARD! Sounds like your BOE President is like minded to ours. Thankfully, ours will be ousted in a few, short months. The effort now, to keep her harness tightly reigned w/ bit in her mouth until she can be properly put to pasture!

Fri Dec 21, 06:53:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Congratulations East Greenbush! Had Unatego acted as fast as your district to get rid of the Dr., we would not have lost such a large number of staff members. Also, everyone needs to remember that the Superintendent runs the district NOT the Board of Education! We definitely do not need seven community members micro managing our district. Our next Superintendent needs to be a people person and a LEADER.

Fri Dec 21, 10:50:00 AM

Anonymous said...

"The Rumor" of the Field being taken away came from a Phone call from a Broad Member to myself and many others saying she got a letter from Dr Furlong saying she was taking away the field. I just believed her and since it was coming from a board member I thought this was truth> Im sorry if this was not the truth and I did believe it but again she did have a letter in writing from the Dr. And i was also advised by someone in the construction firm, right from the person that she was right to the end was trying to stall that project so it would never get done. That came from the person that is involved in the project. Im sorry I believed him. And this is not about Mike Leonard, everyone knows that, Whichever board member keeps writing about how hes dressed keep the focus on what is going on with this dist not with how Mike is dressed. Go see the other athletic directors see how they are dressed and you will realize you really dont know what YOU are talking about. They are all gettin a kick out of THAT one,,, or I got an idea SHOW UP at a game or whatever and see how he is dressed. Again this shouldnt be about mike clothes i think we have bigger issues here. And we are a school district, teaching kids, so to teach that its not about doing your job or about hard work, or dedication, its really all about how you look is not we want to teach our kids.

Anonymous said...

First, I am not a board member.
Second, Thank you for confirming the damage that rumors can do.
Third, will someone please tell me how Dr. Furlong has harmed the district? I keep asking this and no-one has answered.
Teaching respect is most definately what I want from this district. There are lessons to be learned from the actions of adults and teachers and athletic directors too.
When I attended Columbia, I learned valuable life lessons about respect from Harry Auble that I still recall to this day. Harry was the wrestling coach. What message do we want to send to the students of this district?
Condemn our supervisors and leaders on rumor and half-truths?
That is what we have done and we as a district should hang our heads in shame!
I ask, yet again, How did Dr. Furlong harm our district and what sport trips, or any other trip, was cancelled?
Please give me facts, not further rumor or gossip.
To those in Unetago, sorry for your troubles, do NOT pre-judge our BOE. These are a dedicated and caring group of individuals and all of those who attend the meetings and watch what happens in this district know this as FACT. Stop defaming these people and let them do what they care most about, which is to educate our children.

Anonymous said...

I think you missed the point of the last comment. While I will agree rumor and innuendo are not the best information to go on. The previous comment says a BOE member told them that on paper "not Furlong" had tried to put a halt to the field.

Quite frankly, I have been to some BOE meetings this year. The now infamous one you speak of too. As a taxpayer I feel it is my duty to question this board. Hindsight is always 20/20 but here is my opinion.

1. If you knew her track record and still brought her to this district shame on you. If you didn't know her record, then you didn't perform your due diligence.

2. This board should have bent over backwards and given the McHugh family everything (legally possible)they needed. Not argue over the number of days that Mrs. McHugh would get of her colleagues time that was donated. Instead they wanted to fight. To say they didn't would be unfair and disingenuos. Otherwise why would Ms. Hart read a statement before the aforementioned meeting stating a compromise had been made.

3. I only know Mike Leonard to see and say hello to and the fact that Becky and the BOE cared that he wasn't in a suit and tie everyday to me is hilarious. How about teaching our children to be better people as opposed to worrying what your athletic director is wearing to school.

4. I was told that the BOE and Becky wanted to push Mr. Sawchuck out as well. This is one of the things that really has bothered me. My oldest child was in the high school one of the darkest days in that schools history. Whatever your feelings toward Mr. Sawchuck. I will be eternally grateful to John Sawchuck for what he did to save our children. By his actions, I know in my heart what kind of Principal he is. If this Board feels the need to remove him, than my sole remaining child at Columbia will be off to private school.

Sometimes Boards of Education hire people to do the dirty work they can't. Sometimes a change in the makeup of the board is a good thing. Also when you have members that have been there for a long time they get the holier than thou attitude. Of which I witnessed at the board meetings I have attended. It is a thankless job. If members don't feel appreciated or we aren't bowing at their feet enough than they can resign. It is time to change this Board.

Anonymous said...

Can we all agree to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday?

(I guess even Becky!)

p.s. I'm not involved in the back and forth messages above...just a disgruntled high taxpayer sick of this whole thing.

Anonymous said...

I am almost impressed! We are finally talking about some issues instead of the usual crap that is usually on this site.

1. Perhaps the board chose to discount the comments of anonomous bloggers in Unetago, just as I and others have done at this site. Only after the super was "granted the leave time" did I realize that I had underestimated the power of gossip and rumor. This board has the students well being as thier #1 priority and I believe they always have and always will. To call for change in the board is unwarranted.

2.The board and the Super did give all the legally possible time and consideration possible to the Mchugh family. Do you have proof otherwise? It is a wonderfull thing that the teachers donated time; however, it would be just plain wrong to assume that the donated time could be used before your own accumulated time.

3. You must realize that respect is taught through example as well as the order set in the classroom. ALL of the staff employed in dealing with our children should act the part and dress the part. It seems to me that Mike has made more an issue of dressing appropriately than Dr. Furlong made of it.

4.Why would Dr. Furlong want to "push" John Sawchuck out? Do you have proof, or is this yet another unconfirmed rumor started by those people who wish we had hired someone else?

Lastly, to the hypocrit that offered holiday cheer, So much harm has been done to Dr. Furlong.. use your head... Do you really think she will have a pleasant holiday? Lets think about this, if she loses this position, her carreer is over. Have a happy and jolly???? Don't preach peace and love and then pass along hate and deception. If you were not involved, you wouldn't know this site and you would have addressed the super with respect (Dr. Furlong), not becky.

Lastly... I am still waiting for real answers. How was the district harmed and what trips were cancelled?

Anonymous said...

To whomever left the below inserted posts - you are either Dr. Guptill, or a close friend of hers. I am so sick of the mean spirited writers who did nothing but post nasty blogs with their remarks against Dr. Furlong and her abilities, that she finally had to go out on leave or be fired - during the Holiday's, no less... I agree with one opinion that we do not need to know the legal complexities of why she did not stay at her last position, but an accurate explanation of what has happened to start this campaign of hate, and what is actually happening now, and the future plans, would probably quite this board down and help everyone to put it behind them until it is either time to welcome Dr. Furlong back to her position she was hired for and really see what she is made of – without all the horrid comments from some of you – or, go back to the drawing board and start a search for a qualified person.

Can any one of you stand up and say that you have never had a job that wasn't a good fit, and you either left due to that fact, or were fired? No, I didn't think so, not many anyway.

Also, would you really want your past work history following you and to be hung out like dirty laundry and to be never given a chance from the start to prove yourself? I read an article month's ago that was written by a disgruntled member of the hiring committee, or focus group, prior to her even starting... Not everyone always gets a vote, or the vote goes their way.

I believe we are all due the chance for a start fresh after our failures and in reading this site, you all took great glee in kicking this poor women and putting her down. You took her past failure and made it her current failure, just because she came in and tried to make some changes that were long over-due. What new manager hasn't come in and ruffled a few feathers? My children never missed a beat, have wonderful teachers, and I don’t see where this Superintendent that you all hate so much has made any negative actions that had any affect on them, as students. There again, my children are not active in any sports, like I’m guessing so many of the concerned citizens are as the field issue seemed to be a huge bone of contention.

Possibly there were a few employees who were facing demotions, firings, or what-have-you, and they are the real problems here. He who faces being fired just needs to start a hate campaign and toss the problem to someone else. Congratulations to all who saved their jobs – at least temporarily – by turning the district upside down. Even if Dr. Furlong did have a bad past, or do something that deserved being talked to, or even fired. This blog and the mean/nasty postings are embarrassing to this district. You don’t think other districts aren’t reading this and laughing at us all?????

Now for the person who wrote this following post - I never saw you write anything like this about Dr. Furlong. I understand you do not feel this way about Dr. Furlong, but did you have to be so mean? I happen to not agree with you concerning Dr. Guptill, does that give me the right to start a hate campaign against her? NO. I did give a few instances of what I have heard from others to be true, but that is the last you’ll hear from me on the subject. I want to see her succeed, learn from her past mistakes, and watch her grow into a strong, fair, Asst. Superintendent/Interim Superintendent, or should it come to it, Superintendent that we can all be proud of and support. It’s difficult to deal with change, and with her there it seems you know what you have and are ok with it. The way the two posts about Dr. Guptill were written, it is most obvious, that you either know her, are great friends of hers, or you are one of her colleagues that has only seen her good side. Someone new coming in could actually be a threat to some, and hence a lot of this crazy immaturity with some of the posts. People seem to be panicking and others bullying. I did see some thoughtful non-judgmental posts and my hat is off to those of you. Thank you for actually thinking before you write.

Here are the posts that I wish had been written about Dr. Furlong months ago, about Dr. Furlong – then, and only then could we really be taking any accusations regarding her as fact, instead of being side tracked by a bunch of bullies.

1 - " Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!! We need to back Angel And the board Members need to let HER run the school District. Please support her, guide her but dont Control her There is a reason why you put her there...Let her do her job/ Angela YOU GO GIRL!!!! "

2 - ´” This was Blessing in Disguise! “

Now that Dr. Guptill is temporarily in charge, I have the uppermost confidence that she will do a Great Job.

Where was this type of message when Dr. Furlong started, all I recall seeing is a note from a disgruntled Focus group member because they hadn’t hired his choice of candidate (which from what I understand there was a good candidate who had qualifications and leadership qualities that we needed and carried no previous baggage – but was not hired for other concerns). There is more to the hiring process than just hiring who the focus group wants. If the BOE made a mistake it will be rectified, but it shouldn’t be because as someone mentioned, it was a witch hunt, and another quipped, they got their witch. How embarrassing you must feel, or is it pride?!

Either you know nothing about Dr. Guptill and her varying moods, need for a personal coach (yes, she too needed some coaching) to help her with her personality and her bitterness over her friend, or relative, or someone she recommended not being hired into EGCSD and then when Dr. Guptill wasn't hired as Superintendent because of her lack of experience, she became even more moody and her bitterness increased. She has only been in her position for a bit over 2 years as Asst. Sup. from what I've been able to find out through some research and is not ready for the next step up. Does she really have the experience such a large district needs if what ultimately happens is that we hire a new Superintendent? Hint to Dr. Guptill and the BOE – I’ve learned this from knowing there are some teachers who like to gossip, and don’t like it when things don’t go exactly the way they want them too… sorry, but my observation and not necessarily the opinion of all of you who are teachers, or even those who are not – this is not a blanket statement and does not include all teachers and employees who work hard for our children and are mature, caring, individuals who when faced with a problem, solve it, but do not share or whine about it with others.

If it turns out a new Superintendent is to be hired, with Dr. Guptill as "Interim" Superintendent, let's let the position be re-opened with a NEW consulting firm, and a NEW search committee/focus group, and actually find someone our community can be proud of, someone with experience and an excellent reputation. And, please... let the mean posts STOP !

If Dr. Guptill is the best person for the job, we can then welcome her and let the bickering stop. She is going to have to learn her job a bit better, be nicer to people within the school district, and learn a bit of humility before she can effectively run our district. I as a parent have never met her myself, though I admit – I have seen her at board meetings. I walked up to her, said hello, and she glared at me as if her eyes were piercing right through me… not even a tiny hint of a smile, or hello… that told me all I needed to know about her – I as a tax paying community member with children in the district feel her attitude towards parents tells a lot about her attitude in general. But, if she is really better than the other candidates and the search is done fairly, effectively, and with no agenda's – then, and only then, will we finally be a strong district once again, but - one that will have learned its lesson. One of humility, tolerance, one that allows each person to prove their ability to effectively and successfully do their job at their current job, not living with previous ghosts from their past, that have been brought to light by immature, intolerant, individuals.

I fairly recently moved into this district and am appalled by what I've been reading. The site was brought to my attention by a neighbor. I pay taxes to live in a school district where I can send my children into a safe environment of mature teachers and administrators. My job allows me to work out of my home and have a lot of location choices – when the Real Estate Broker listed EGCSD as one of the top local districts, along with BHBL, Niskyuna, and Saratoga City Schools – I looked around, checked out location – we’re close to Albany and the Thruway – and the school district was fairly impressive sounding. I later heard during the shooting a few years back a neighbors HS son’s class on the first floor all jumped out the window and ran into the woods – lock-down may not have been a strong point, and I’ve seen those two principal’s on the news enough to change the channel each time they come on. I’m all for honoring people who go above and beyond to save our children, but please. It’s a miracle more weren’t hurt, but from what I’ve heard – by one tackling the boy, the other teacher was shot when he went down. The fact that many safeguards have been put into affect since that horrible day is wonderful… but, did I see all these posts – or should I say was there even any site for those who felt Mr. Brewer dropped the ball on that one. Along with teachers allowing kids to jump out windows?

This blog-site makes me start to wish I'd moved elsewhere. You cannot convince me there are not employees of the school district posting many of these mean spirited posts. The one regarding personal computer usage is a dead give-away. Others are just people who have nothing better to do than bully others, many with no knowledge of what they’re actually talking about. Please, go to meetings, voice your opinions, listen to what they’re saying, and if you do not like something that is going on at the BOE meetings stand up and voice your opinion. The meetings I’ve been to have had few attendees and only when something huge was happening that would impact taxes, the budget, a new football field, or some new expensive sports room, i.e., wrestling, do the numbers go up. If you feel it is your civic duty to air your feelings on this anonymously (yes, I’m anonymous too, before you blast me for that). The last Superintendent, Mr. Brewer, was a wonderful person from what I’ve heard and seen at meetings, but also had his own agenda’s and shortcomings. He was not above making things work for his own gain, or hiring friends into positions because ‘he could’. Where were the questions to his actions then?

Happy Holidays and please take this for what it's meant to be. A call to PLEASE STOP the name calling; personal agenda's; and manipulations – Thank you. As one other poster mentioned, I am not a habitual poster either. This is my one and only post you will see from me. The whole thing is just so sickening I had to finally give in and write.

Signed by a parent who does attend BOE meetings when I can and who wishes to stay anonymous for the sake of my children.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Dr. Furlong is enjoying her holiday... in Cancun, Mexico, as she has done for the last 14 years, and made constant boastful comments about it right up until the day she was allowed, "personal leave."

Anonymous said...

Aren't we in the holiday spirit???........GRINCH!

If you haven't figured it out, The ENTIRE East Greenbush COMMUNITY knows about this site......regardless of their opinion of this school board or DOCTOR Furlong.

The only careers that are over are the incumbents on the school board. I'm guessing you must be one of the people that hired her.

Anonymous said...

You thanked those who posted non-judgemental posts and then continued on to give your opinions (some negative) about Dr. Guptill, largely based on a ten second glare that told you everything you needed to know about her. None of your information is factual, and much of it is rambling,and contradictory. Calling a person a name(as you have criticized others for) and describing a persons "shortcomings" publicly (as you have done) have a similar effect. Pre-predjudicing others is not in the spirit of "giving someone a chance".

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of a New Year and a new beginning, the BOE needs to step up to the plate, admit their mistake in the hiring of Dr. Furlong, and move on. They need to determine the cost to the district, whether it be monetary or the probable destruction of a great school district.
The claims of a "good old boys netword" is ridiculous. Several of the administrators are in a tenure track, and if they don't live up to expectations, they can be removed, before being granted tenure.
Re: sick days being donated to aid a colleague, these unused sick days are accumulated days that, upon retirement, can be used to pay health benefits until the monies run out.
Some of the unfounded comments on this blog, sound like a "smoke screen" written by uninformed BOE members that are feeling the heat from their bad decision making.
Residents cannot expect to hear all of the details, because it regards a specific individuals employment, which is subject to "executive session", but serves as an opportunity to bring someone else in, that exhibits the values and expectations of the community, and continues to build on the academic foundation that has been in place in this district for many years!!

Anonymous said... I am posting one more probably offensive to some post.

I was furious with the other posts, thankful for the non-judgmental ones and like some people do, the more frustrated I got, the more I wrote, yes - rambling for sure, breaking my own rules.

Also, I do admit to saying a few negative comments while asking for non-judgmental posts, and stand here to say I'm sorry.

But, my post was based on facts, that maybe some have seen, maybe others not... and not solely on a few second glare. I did not name call, I did not write any poems, I did not bring up anyones previous job success' or failures - I do not want to know that history, nor is is useful. I thought we are all entitled to our opinions and I have mine, and instead of voicing it one concise way, I ended up putting what should have been two posts together into one -- out of frustration and yes, stupidly.

I still would like to see a new search. Again if one person shines, he, she, Dr. Guptill or someone else, they should be hired.

I feel a different focus group than those that had a part in the hiring could help, along with a different consulting firm (I know the BOE has final say and hired Dr. Furlong and I hope they have read each and every one of these posts). I still believe someone should be brought in with strength, not baggage, and a positive attitude. No grudges, and a proven history of success.

I understand those that are for Dr. Guptill will still have negative replies to my post, but as I just said - may the best man, or women be hired. You all know my opinion, and that is what it is - my very own opinion -- You are all entitled to your own. I do apologize for asking for one thing, and then doing what I was asking not be done. I was frustrated and disgusted with the entire situation.

I can say I am looking forward to the coming months, especially when I walk through those doors to vote. I can't wait to see just how many new people step up and run for BOE - I will welcome you with open arms, as I've heard it is a wonderful gift of your time and a very important, time consuming, voluntary job. Only one for those who have the drive, commitment, and heart. I do not fit the bill, but commend those of you who choose that route. Good luck to all who run.

And no, I had nothing to do with Dr. Furlong being hired, that could not be further from the truth. I am nothing more than a community member with no other agenda than a school district and administration that we can all be proud of and to see all of the community rally together.

I end wishing everyone a Prosperous, Healthy, and Happy New Year and I raise my coffee to a calm and strong school district that can again stand proud and strong.

As those of you stated that none of your facts were wrong, I stand by mine. As all of you had your say, I had mine.

Thank you for listening and giving me a second chance explain myself.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what happened at the BOE meeting on 12/27? I saw it posted on the district web site.

Anonymous said...

There is a very small cost associated with having BOCES help with a Superintendent Search. They will train the committee in interview procedures and help to formulate questions that need to be asked. They will also check out the resumes of all applicants, and guide the district in the search, eliminating those candidates that do not have the proper credentials for the district. If the focus group is not happy with the candidates, they can continue with an interim and re-open the search at a later date.
The BOE needs to be more diigent in this search and not rush into a decision until all references are thoroughly checked and verified.
They have an obigation to negotiate Dr Furlongs contract in the best interests of the students and district, and residents need to realize that the monetary cost of "buying her out" is less costly in the end, then having her remain and continue to cause havoc within the school community. Residents also need to decide if they can continue to support the present BOE members, who obviously did not do their homework when searching for Mr. Brewers replacement!!!
BOE service is NOT a thankless job. It has many rewards when you see student achievment in a safe learning environment. The "frosting on the cake" is the annual procession of our graduates, knowing that they have been provided with the knowledge to go on to higher education and become successful members of this community!

Anonymous said...

BE CAREFUL, EGCS.... BOCES "HELPED" Unatego find Becky Furlong! The BOCES Supt. will "filter" who your committees get to see. CONSIDER YOURSELVES WARNED...