Sunday, January 27, 2008


Don't take out your anger on the kids. Voting No on the Budget hurts our children. CHANGE WHO IS ON THE BOE. We will do it three at a time. Joann, Ray and Tom we are coming after you! Your Time is up. WE PUT YOU THERE TO DO RIGHT BY OUR CHILDREN. Your arrogance will hurt them in the long run. It is time for you to go.



Anonymous said...

These adults spent our kids money out of revenge, spite, anger, we need to vote the budget yes BUT, let them know they will no longer get away with this! You should be ashamed of yourselves, Now we know it was Mr. Brewer that kept you thinking about the kids, he left, which we cant blame him not, and you people just lost your minds! I really hope people are complaining to the State of NY about this, and they come after this board.

Anonymous said...

The present EGBOE has betrayed the trust and confidence of the community in their decision-making process, but you have to examine the budget for yourself and determine whether or not to support it. A budget defeat will hurt academic programs and perhaps athletics, which will ultimately hurt the students. In this age of NCLB standards, it is incumbent upon residents to support academic standards, to allow our students to obtain their greatest potential and become good community citizens.
You can send a clear message to the BOE that you are NOT against the district, only those BOE members that make self=serving decisions!!

Anonymous said...

HELP! I'm so confused by this school district. Today (January 28) I received a kindergarten registration packet from the district. It included a cover letter printed on high quality full color (expensive!) letterhead. It was hand signed by Dr. Furlong, Superintendent of Schools.

If the BOE dismissed her and just announced that Dr. Guptill is the Interim Super, why are we receiving letters from Dr. Furlong?

Isn't this sending mixed messages to the community and the taxpayers??? The communication needs to improve!!

Also, regardless of who the superintendent is, why the need to waste all that money on full color letterhead, bonded stationary, when sending out hundreds of copies of something?

It would be different if this was a private company, but it's not a wise way to spend our taxes.

I still can't believe they're sending out letters signed by Furlong in the end of January. This BOE needs a wake up call.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the packet was made up ahead of time & was not changed to Save money, Save Trees.

Anonymous said...

Unless BOE members resign, which is unlikely, we must focus on the May elections and take out the three BOE members up for election.

We should separate the BOE incompetance issue from the budget as they are two different issues. Hopefully the budget passes and the three BOE members do not come back.

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tried of the EGBOE telling me they are going to cut sports, arts and every little thing IF we don't pass their budget.....I fully understand the law but how about cutting some FAT out of the budget in means of some high top salaries not the poor working person who just barely gets by week by week!!

Anonymous said...

Salaries are contractual and subject to negotiations, as are benefits. With the advent of NCLB and the new education standards, and to attract the best qualified teachers to a district, you must be able to compete with surrounding districts. The field of education is "student intensive", in an attempt to address the needs of very diverse learners. It is no longer a matter of teaching the "three "R's" alone.
As each and every homeowner of renter struggles with the rising costs of living, so do school districts. They feel the same rise in the cost of heat and electric and fuel, etc. Districts are required to hold public hearings on their budget, and that is the opportunity for residents to ask questions. It is helpful to have some understanding of the way monies are expended to support programs. Most districts are quite aggressive in seeking grant funding, as well as state and federal reimbursements for some of the accepted services that they must, by law, provide for those students with special needs. Many educators supplement classroom materials with their own money. I would urge residents to support a reasonable budget, and vent your frustrations over the dysfunctional BOE by voting THEM out!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just as a point of clarification: School districts have no control over your property assesstment. They must use the town or city tax rolls to generate school tax bills. Often, because a school district budget must, by law, be voted on, taxpayers take their frustration out, for high tax bills, on their local school district. If you thoughtfully weigh the services you get for both general and special needs students, you realize "you get more for your money in education, than you do at the local level"!!!!! There are many success stories in the daily classroom.......check out local graduates!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Charles Dedrick, Cohoes City School Superintendent, and the candidate recommended the focus group to be the EGCSD Superintendent!!!!

In today's Advertiser there's an article announcing that he was the recipient of the NYS Council of School Superintendents Appreciation Award. Only a few superintendents, out of 700, are selected to receive this. He was recognized for his exemplary service, commitment as an emeritus faculty member of the Superintendent's Academy, leadership and guidance, amongst other achievements.

It should also be noted that Mr. Dedrick is a longtime resident of the EGCSD.

Credit should also go to the EGCSD Focus group for having the insight to recommend such a highly qualified and well respected individual.

It's unfortunate the BOE decided to ignore the focus group's suggestion and decided instead to hire a much less qualified person from outside the area that was basically pushed out and fired from her previous job as a Superintendent.



I hope the host of this blog posts this as a new strand.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the 3 up for election are not the main problems. That is what stinks- It is the others that need to go. If I see No Comment from Joanne Hart 1 more time! He entire attitude and demeanor.

And honestly let the board threaten no sports, arts etc... we have plenty in the community to keep the kids active and going- there are groups to pick up the slack. Sorry- but they need to shape up.