Monday, January 7, 2008

Keep showing up to the BOE meetings!

This BOE needs to be replaced. They have become complacent and have that holier than thou attitude. One or two people keep defending the BOE. This BOE doesn't have a leg to stand on. They have shown a blatant disregard for the people in this district. To blame the Administrators, Teachers, Parents for "NOTFURLONG-gate" is a travesty to our district. YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOUR ACTIONS. AT LEAST THE FIVE OF YOU THAT WANTED BECKY!


It's time Ms. Hart and her followers are shown the door.


Anonymous said...

Can someone please clarify something for me? I keep hearing Becky was hired on a 5-4 vote. However, wasn't the PUBLIC vote 9-0?

Anonymous said...

Typically, this is what happens. They go into executive session and do the voting as they see fit. Not in front of the public eye.

Because Becky got enough votes to become the super (and in an effort to show unity to the public) they take a vote in front of the public and voted her in 9-0.

Please Ray or Joanne correct me if I am wrong. So someone from within that room has let the cat out of the bag. Not to mention didn't have the strength to stand up and vote their true conscience. It is indicative of someone ruling the roost.

CHANGE IS COMING! There should be term limits.

Anonymous said...

joanne and ray its now time to step down!!!!!!You are doing nothing positive for this school district. You now have board members, administrators, teachers, parents, and yes even your own friends want this to end. Your time is over, please save face, and step down. This school district under your "control" has sent this school district up side down. What are you thinking? Take a good honest look at what is going on, YOU TWO NEED to step down. You can not go anywhere in East Greenbush without people taking about what you are doing to this district!!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to the board meeting tonight. A lot of bs and telling each other how great they are and how they work. Enough of this bs.

Anonymous said...

It would certainly seem logical to bring Mr Brewer back as an interim, until a new replacement can be found. He not only understands the budget process, but knows the district and personnel very well. There would not have to be a transition period, as there would be if someone else is brought in. The frosting on the cake is that he served this district well, during his tenure here and brought the district through building projects, NCLB standards, and successful budget votes. His knowledge of the district, as an interim, would allow time for a thorough search and could guide the district to a much better selection!!!
I'm not a relative or staff member, just a concerned citizen, hoping for a better outcome this time around!!!

Hadit said...

In response to the 1/9/08 blogs....
Ditto on everything you said. I cannot believe myself how arrogant the BOE is. Lets see, since JoAnn Hart became President the BOE ignored their public, whom they work for, they have blatantly lied to us and keep us in the dark on very important issues. Do they really need to be reminded that they answer to we the taxpayers!!!
And now there is a rumor, which I seriously hope is not true, that they basically want to blacklist Ms. Guptill. That they again want to waste our money on bringing in someone else as interim Super. All because they ASSume she will have her own "good ole boys" that she will want brought in. I am so tired of hearing that they didn't like Mr. Brewer for that very same reason (besides others). How can they cry and complain when THEY are the final voice on who does or doesn't get a job. And for the "good old boys" that Mr. Brewer supposedly gave positions to: 1. He didn't give them to them, the BOE did. 2. Did it ever occur to the BOE that they worked hard, were well qualified and deserved those positions? They all gave many years to this district, they weren't cronies he bought in from the street! Isn't it everyone's goal in their career to be able to advance? A happy workplace is a productive workplace. Now they want to stonewall another well qualified, dedicated employee from advancing. Instead of a petition going around to keep Ms. Guptill, one should be circulated to remove the BOE. That alone would solve so much.

Anonymous said...

The smartest move would be to hire Dr. Guptill as Int. Supt. SHe's already there, knows the district, and is very well qualified. Second choice would be to bring Terry Brewer back, due to the reasons above.

LAST choice, and the most UNreasonable, would bring in some retired old fart from outside the area to come in hear for a short time, screw things up more than they already, and leave a bigger mess for the new super.

Sounds to me like Joann Hart and Dr. Werking are the problem here? Maybe Dr. Werking should focus his efforts on The Gay Straight Alliance that he is so proud of and reports on at Board meetings (I'm not being sarcastic. Read the BOE minutes.) I think they need a full time advisor from the board. Maybe that will distract him from the serious business at hand and something can be done.

Hadit said...

In todays Indenpendent there was an article I hope everyone has read. It is from our Town of EG Board and they are not happy with the EG BOE either. JoAnn Hart was quoted as saying that there are some problems in the district but that we will get through them like we always do. We didn't have any problems with our district in years UNTILL Ms. Hart became president. I sincerely hope that we can have them removed legally. I can't imagine that we have to be stuck with them. Our district is starting to sound like Averill Parks. They too have been having problems with their Super. and BOE. For months I have read comments from their taxpayers and thought to myself... how embarrassing to have such foolishness happen..and lo and behold here we are. As the first comment says WE ALL MUST GO TO BOE MEETINGS. To not go and do something will result in us getting what we deserve. Please everyone, try and make it to the next Board Meeting. Let's not let happen to us what is happening to Averill Park.

Anonymous said...

I would really like to see Ms. Angela Guptill as our new Superintendent, PERMANENTLY!