Friday, January 18, 2008

This is a comment that all should read!

To keep this short, it appears that too many people are upset and hesitant about posting a comment or speaking out publicly for fear of some kind of retribution from the school board. There is another solution.First, allow me to note that my comments or involvement is not on behalf of the entire Town Board, but my individual point of view. Second, my criticism of the BOE is not a personal attack, nor do I believe any of our opinions should be personal. I know some of the members and like them on a personal level. However, I have the ability to maintain my objectivity and be critical of their collective handeling of this matter, which seems significantly flawed due to their insistance on hiring Dr. Furlong in the first place. It only seems reasonable that in some way they be held accountable.I will be out of Town for the next board meeting, but I'd like to offer this suggestion.

There is a website for the State Education department: this site defines the responsibility of a board member, and under appendix "F", offers an electronic complaint form to report fraud, waste and abuse anonymously. It is my opinion that this board, perhaps not all members, but those who seemingly control the board, are guilty of mismanagement. Their action should be evaluated by the State Education Department.

Share the link with everyone who might otherwise feel powerless or without options.It is an outrage that already there is an indication that when the budget comes up, the students will be threatened with the loss of programs rather than demonstrating some fiscal responsibility and cutting administrative salaries or positions. If forced to cut in an administrative capacity, perhaps they will be a little more careful with tax payer dollars.Those who prey on the weak or use their position to intimidate or control their environment are not fit to serve the community as they have a responsibilty to work in our collective best interest.

In my opinion, this issue is far from being resolved and the board, as requested by a number of residents need to answer the questions posed here.If, for fear of their jobs, people feel that questions can not be submitted to this board, I can be contacted anonymously at my mailbox in Town hall or at I will gladly submit questions to the board on behalf of the community in my own voice with MY name attached to them... that's what I was elected to do. Those board members who were not party to voting for Dr. Furlong's hire, should make themselves known so we can offer them credit for trying to act in the Town's best interest and replace those who did not.

Respectfully submitted;
Michael P. Cristo Jr.Town Board Member


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who to contact at East Greenbush to get a copy of a petition to run for the board? Several other local schools have the information posted on their websites.

Concerned said...

You have to go to the administration office to get one. I am not sure they would mail them out.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with Mr. Cristo, but I'm glad he clarified that he is speaking as an individual and not in his official capacity as a town oard member, because I agree with the other person's post that the two board's should get involved in each others' matters. That being said, now that Mr. Cristo made it clear that he is speaking as an individual, I encourage him to KEEP GOING. This BOE needs to be held accountable for totally ignoring the Focus groups recommendations. I also blame the BOE 100% more than I blame Dr. Furlong. They controlled her and got what they asked for. EGCSD lost a good man and leader in Chuck Dedrick.

I'm glad at least they had the brains to appoint Dr. Guptill Interim Supt., but I hope they don't think they're off the hook with us voters!

Anonymous said...

Check the EGCSD budget calendar for the dates when petitions can be picked up and when they must be returned. There is a small window period when this can be done. It may also be posted in the legal notices of area newspapers. You are required to get a certain number of signatures, based upon the total number of voters in the last election. I would urge whoever decides to run for the BOE to get as many signatures as possible. This allows you a chance to get your platform out and hopefully to get a commitment for their vote!!! There are many non-monetary rewards for service to your school district.

Anonymous said...

It is in APRIL! The window is perhaps 20 days- you have to get the signatures in a short time -it is something like 2-3% of all registered voters you need to sign the petition.