Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Time to look ahead.......

We need to look forward for the sake of our children. I have gotten a few posts that back the BOE and their actions. To hire a company and ask for community input in hiring a new super and then not take their advice was not good for our children. Now to hide behind confidentiality clauses and put rumors out that she was let go because of something at her last job is not right. Our Children deserve better. They deserve a BOE that has the character and integrity to withstand public scrutiny. THEY ARE PUBLIC OFFICIALS like it or not.

We ask honesty, integrity, and character of our children. Shouldn't we expect the same from the adults that run the district. It is very easy to run a district when no one is watching. But when the spotlight is turned on and the mice scatter that is when we must question this board.

We as a community must move forward. Might I suggest we do so with one eye on this board. Board members must be held accountable for their actions. How can we teach are children to do better with the example they have been shown?


Hadit said...

I agree, we must look ahead...for new BOE members. I truly cannot see anyone's reason in supporting the Board at all. I would like to see those postings and logic (?). They haven't changed one bit, they are just hiding hoping this will all go away. I do ask though that if we have a good budget presented to us that we should pass it regardless of how we feel about the board. I would not want to see services for students suffer because our BOE is dishonest, sneaky, and dishonorable. We must still show our numbers at all board meetings and not let them get away with what they did. I now do not care for the particulars of why Dr. Furlong is finally gone, but I do believe the BOE SHOULD NOT get away with not explaining to its public WHY they chose to ignore our recommendations and then lie and cover up their mess. I do not feel we should let up on them until they answer us. Our children do deserve better, but unfortunately we cannot hide the truth from them. We can only help them deal with it and learn from it and hopefully do better themselves as adults. There is no redemption for this present board, at least not to the 5 who feel they are beyond approach. I cannot imagine being able to walk out in public if I were one of them, nor be able to meet anyone's eye. The only one I have run into since this whole debacle is Mrs. Jones. Again, as a community, yes we must move forward, but I would do it with more than one eye on the board....numbers, numbers, numbers at the meetings. Make signs that we want answers, truth and responsibility. Is it really so hard for them to admit their errors? Also as a community, ones who are eligible to run for BOE, please do so. It is only a thankless job when it is run by self-righteous, egotistical individuals who are power hungry. It can be a glorius job by witnessing the growth of a childs mind from Kindergarten to graduation, and then reading about them in the Deans list of the colleges they attend. All because of good, selfless dedication and pride in ones community. WE NEED candidates. WE NEED numbers. We need to be united.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, one of the BOE goals for '07-'08 is "Improve district communications, internal and external, with staff, students and the community". Obviously, there is much work to be done, to fulfill their objective!!!!! The BOE goals and objectives can be found on the EGCSD website, BOE link!!!! Their goals and objectives for the district have been superceded by their hungar for power!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who were those Board Members there at the meeting last night? EVERYONE knew in the whole District that the vote for Dr. Guptil was going to be a 5-4 vote.............BUT now they have to vote in public and my my my do things change...Give me a break we are not stupid. These FEW board members make me sick...There are 3 boe members who didnt want her and would love to spend more of our money but out in public they were too chicken to vote Tom Chesser, Joanne H and ray werking. Election time must be approaching. The Board meeting was packed,,,keep going they are still going to spend our money,,and NOW the kids programs are starting to be taken from our kids, go to budget meetings ask THOSE board members who had alot to say about our employees where things are in the budget. Ask why they are being removed! They want a 0 budget which is great tell them to send her new furniture back, tell them this is a school the children are your clients! DO NOT TAKE away from our KIDS Public ask Administrators what they are told to take out of the budget...YOUR kids are going to suffer>>>and of course if we vote no on the budget what will be the 1st things taken away....Get to the Board before they start cutting things out...YOU board members had alot to say back in September about the kids programs and the money spent on them,,now what are you going to say,you spent it all ON HER!

Anonymous said...

I went to the last two board meetings and will make every one unless I have a conflict. They are gettong nervous. Maybe they should get a bigger room so taxpayers don't have to stand. I think they are nervous seeing new faces and wondering who will come after them.

I for one am recruiting people to run for the board and will raise money to help them beat these idiots.

Also, Linda Jones must go. She is rude and only cares about plays and has something to say about everything.

Anonymous said...

Are residents aware that most BOE's hold "workshops" preceding the "legal meeting"??? These meetings are considered "private meeting, that are held in public" and may be attended by those people that may be interested in listening to BOE discussions. Although not usually published by date and time, most school boards hold these meeting to discuss issues concerning the district. These meetings are not to be confused with "executive sessions" which must follow the "open meetings laws" and are private meetings excluding the public. Anyone seriously considering running for a BOE seat would be advised to attend these "workshops" to familiarize themselves with ongoing district issues, and how individual members respond to them. Usually the "legal" meeting is pretty cut and dry, as the items have already been discussed at workshops!!!