Saturday, February 2, 2008

CBS6 will air a "You paid for it" special




Anonymous said...

What time will this be on?

Anonymous said...

Monday, February 4th, 11 PM on Channel 6 News!!!!!!!
Don't expect any answers, but it certainly will be interesting!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems Mr. Christo is confused about which board he was elected to

Hadit said...

To Mr. R. Werking..oops I mean anonymous.
I resent your comment about Mr. Cristo being confused about which board he is on. He is far from being confused though I wish he was, because if he was on the BOE we NEVER would have been in this mess. At least he is trying to help the taxpayers of EG. The present BOE could learn many valuable lessons from him. I'm sure he is a busy man and did not have to use his valuable time helping us out. I hope he can be there for us every step of the way. It's you and the other 4 who are confused as to what role you are playing. But if you are up to any suggestions as to what field you should be in, how about School for Jokers or Pin the tale on the Donkey. It is beyond one's comprehension that you really feel you have done nothing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Mike Cristo is doing a great job. Poor decisions by the BOE affect EG residents, which are his constituents. Seems like a post from a BOE member or someone who just doesn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Was that intended to help the district or embarrass members of the BOE? Airing the district's dirty laundry to the entire region does not advance education. What it does is foster bad feelings and finger printing. I challenge people to do something other than focus on outing a board whose decisions you disagree with...

Anonymous said...

Did anybody notice how RUDE Joann Hart looked on TV when they showed Dr. Guptil being sworn in?

Hart didn't even have the courtesy to look at her or even clap when everyone else did.

That sends a message of support to the new super. and community... NOT!!!

Anonymous said...

Can someone put the WRGB segments on You Tube so they can be shared via email???

Anonymous said...

I just called channel 6. They said part one will re-air Tuesday night @ 6:30 in case anyone missed it. Part 2 will air at 11:00 on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Mike you are doing a great JOB, we asked you to do this for us, Dont listen to that JERK. Its just one of those Board Members trying to push their weight around. Thats why we came to you, this is who they work. Try being an employee here and see what they are all about

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that GRIN on Ms Hart's face when they were asking her all those questions? Its the same grin the grinch had on his face.......SHE'S EVIL

Anonymous said...


It is now starting,,,Mike Bennett is the first to go! Mike is leaving our school district to start a new job as principal in Schodack. Congrats Mike, Thankyou for all you did for this district. To the taxpayers, this is the Board's doing and its just the START. Everyone worth anything is starting to leave! One by One, they dont leave then the employees will. I would trade 1 Mike Bennett for 9 Jerks on that board. You got what you wanted Ray, Mike is leaving...Happy now?

Anonymous said...

I wish that whoever keeps referring to the 5 BOE members who should be held accountable wakes up and realizes that all of them, with the exception of Karen Curran, created this mess and are continuing to add to the community unrest. Yes, contrary to Mr. Christo's thoughts, Marie Curley, Jim MacArevey,Kathy Graziano, John Sullivan, Ray Werking, Joann Hart and Tom Chesser are all at fault here. They ALL need to be replaced! They have all contributed to a sense of unrest, suspicion, and anger in a community that once supported the school district and its programs and respected the actions of their BOE. Mr. Christo's help is appreciated in airing the unrest but it is important that politics NOT become a key issue in this mess - we have problems enough we don't need the added political innuendoes and back door deal making.

Anonymous said...

Cristo and McCabe ARE confused and obviously desperate to talk about anything but the reassessment disaster they started and looming tax increase that is sure to follow. How much of the town’s taxpayer dollars did they spend to hire GAR Associates (or is that GOUGE Assoc.) to take pictures of our homes so that they can gloss over the reality that we’re getting screwed royally? The GAR firm is also being paid to handle the assessment challenges that will come after they’re finished raising our taxes. Hey McCabe and Cristo, the assessment challenge process is supposed to handled by the TOWN, not by some hired gun you brought in at our expense because you’re too cowardly to face disgruntled taxpayers yourselves. Also, the little dog and pony side show you’re enjoying at our school children’s expense will eventually lose its charm. Why don’t you pay attention to running the town? Fix our constant drainage and sewer problems! Are you too busy taking shots at others? What else is falling apart in the town while you’re creating a diversion on this blog? How come EG road crews set up construction in the middle of town streets without placing any signage warning drivers they can’t get through until they’re stuck and have to turn around? Nice road crew guys, just following bad leadership. How come Hampton Manor is being taken over by thugs, vandals, underage drinking parties and drug dealers while you approved yet another monstrous strip mall/town house deal, despite Ames Plaza remaining vacant? Maybe the Hampton Manor kids can party in those vacant stores and Hampton Manor can finally have some peace and quiet? Also, a roundabout on Rt. 4 and Luther will be a disaster…we think traffic is backed up now? Ha Ha. Great Job Guys!! But that’s OK, you can always change the subject and point out what’s wrong with the schools. By the way, McCabe, when you have nothing to say to Channel 6, you should simply say “no comment”, instead of talking blah blah blah for 5 minutes without saying a thing. As for people having a right to know, well…how about telling us how much you’re paying GAR, how much Cristo’s associates will get on recent town deals and fully disclosing all other conflicts of interest, just for a start. I’m sure News 6 would be willing to do a mini-series, but I think you should explain these things on this blog, since you're mouthing off on it anyway! When you live in a glass house, you should definitely NOT throw rocks.

Anonymous said...

No Sir, I am not confused. I am a member of the Town board. As such I have taken an oath to uphold the constitutions of both the State of New York and the United States of America. As an elected official, I have a responsibility to employ tax payer dollars in a responsible manner. Incidentally, the BOE has the same responsibility.

My commentary is as a taxpayer whose tax dollars have been mismanaged by a BOE who has failed the residents of this Town.

Right or wrong, at least I have the temerity to sign my name to my posts. If I am wrong or have offended you, please step forward and I will offer you a public apology.

Thank you for the kind words from the other posts.

Anonymous said...

Ray, or whoever wrote that long rant. Not everyone's taxes will go up with re-assessment. Some of us will have our taxes go down. Now I will not have to subsidize you anymore because my house is assessed valued correctly being that its new and others are getting a great deal. I'm sure Jim Mac is crying too.

Hadit said...

Mr. "Anonymous" Werking.
What a fool you make of yourself. You are constantly trying to project your BOE's mistakes on others. Mr. McCabe and Mr. Cristo are concerned for their constituents unlike our board. At least they will answer to us when questions are asked about why they do what they do. Not once have you honestly answered to the fact that EG's BOE defiantly went against the wishes of the hiring committee and their public on whom THEY wished to have as superintendent, you all then blatantly lied to the public and now are hiding and refusing to answer our well deserved questions or owe up to what you have all done to us. How do you expect us to pay for this!!!! How can you honestly believe you still deserve to sit on the BOE. Any of you for that matter. Then you want to try and say you care about our children!!! How dare you. Try stepping up as a man and ANSWER US instead of pretending you are not who you are and by continuing to attack the taxpayers of EG with your foolish babble. SPEAK UP OR SHUT UP.

Anonymous said...

A BOE sets both Board and District goals, that are expected to be implemented by the administers.....therefore, the problems in the EGCSD are directly related to the directions the BOE gave to the superintendent, and then the way she chose to implement them!!! The BOE are elected officials charged with representing the community, always with the best interests of the students in mind. They are the ones that have failed in their duties!!!!! Dr Furlong, while not the choice of the community search committee, was required to follow the boards directives!!!! I commend Channel 6 for exposing the mismanagement of the present BOE, and hope they continue to delve into the many examples of personal agendas held by several of those members. The district is fortunate to have dedicated employees who have gone above and beyond in molding and motivating our students, but are disillusioned with this dysfuntional BOE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all, his name is Mike Cristo...not Christo...while I am sure the reference to him as Christ is flattering, it is not quite right (he's good but not THAT good). Mike Cristo is doing a great job holding people accountable and, as a taxpayer and lifelong EG resident, I truly appreciate his efforts.

To the buffoon that stated "It seems Mr. Christo is confused about which board he was elected to": ironically, when you discuss school issues, your English skills are borderline retarded. You shouldn't dangle prepositions.

Keep up the excellent work Mr. Cristo and thanks for championing this issue.

Anonymous said...

Personal agendas are rampant on this BOE. Instead of looking at programming that best meets students' needs with a global perspective, these BOE members individually focus on specific categories: G/T, Special Ed, theatre, transportation They lose sight of the needs of all our kids and the interrelationships among these needs and programs! BOE members should not pigeon whole themselves; they are responsible for the success of the entire learning community. That seems to have been forgotten!

Anonymous said...

This is a response to the rant that was posted on Feb. 5, @ 09:30am. First allow me to say that I do not believe Ray Werking authored that rant...but I do believe it was authored by the spouse of a sitting BOE member, and I completely understand the anger and frustration. However, as the author so angrily attempts to deflect the debacle that this BOE has created, and rather than just encouraging the BOE to simply start out by saying they made a mistake, and lets all move on for the sake of the district, EVERYONE continues to throw accusations about, none of which addresses or even attempts to address the basis of the initial point of interest...the hiring and subsequent dismissal of Rebecca Furlong.
Since the author so intently wants to bring up several other interests to help deflect the spotlight from the BOE , lets address some of the rants specifically:

The Towns taxpayer dollars being spent on the GAR Assoc. is a smart move...plain and simple. The Town hired a firm that's sole area of expertise is DOING THE EVALUATIONS FOR THE RE-ASSESMENT PROCESS. The assessment challenge process is complicated enough, and the Town Board doesn't handle that anyway, the assessors office does, so to attempt to blame McCabe and Cristo, is misplaced anger again on your part !
The "little dog and pony show " you refer to is nothing of the sort. These are both elected officials, who are lifelong residents and graduates of THIS SCHOOL DISTRICT.
They have every right to question the actions of the BOE , regardless of whether or not they are elected officials. If the pertinent questions had all been answered in the beginning, we would not be to this point at all, however because of the " Dog and Pony Show" orchestrated by Hart, Chesser, and Werking, we are all at this point !
Hampton Manor is not being taken over by thugs...get your facts straight !! Underage drinking parties are held mostly in the upper end of Town, and mostly at or near the Town Park , you are once again mistaken.
Ames plaza is far from vacant, and for the record, is in the process of EXPANSION!!!! Once again, YOUR WRONG !!!
The roundabout @ Couse Corners, is nothing but a suggestion at this point, and it has nothing to do with the Town Board at all, rather it was suggested by the engineers from NYS D.O.T. ! Your wrong and misdirected again !!! Your assertation of Mr. Cristo receiving something "special" from the Town, could cost him his business, and the Town a great deal of taxpayer money. This accusation is baseless and simply more misdirected anger. Mark Simmons played this game years ago with the Cristo Family, and LOST miserably, costing himself a great deal of money. Regarding living in a glass house, at the very least Mr. Cristo and McCabe are throwing their names out there , in public...not hiding away and running for cover when things don't go their own has been suggested that either Werking or Chesser wrote the above referenced entry, but I don't believe it...I stand by my assertation that it is indeed someone else, and I dare say that I fully understand who, what, when, where, and most importantly why . However, your anger is completely misdirected ..

Anonymous said...

Enough Already!!!!
I can't believe we have now pitted the school board against the town board!! And yes, we as a community did it.
Our district's motto is school and community working together!! The town board attacking the school board is very sad and makes us look terrible as a community. There have been problems with our school board in the past and never did Supervisor Angelini handle it this way. May he rest in peace. This is ridiculous. IT's over if you're upset with the school board for what they did vote them out and move on. Let's get back to educating our kids and let Dr. Guptil do her job. And be careful where you put your trust, the town board does not always answer all questions from their constituents. There are many of our tax $$ being spent on things we may feel are mismanaged by the town as well. So let's get back to making East Greenbush a strong community full of pride. I have nothing against the town here, but it is not going in a positive direction. I am just as frustrated with the school board's decisions as the rest of you, but honestly, what more do you want to know, and what good will it do you anyway?? They messed up. Let's move on.
Disgusted Parent

Anonymous said...

"Hampton Manor is not being taken over by thugs"

Two years ago many cars were broken into & there have been gang related incidents in the neighborhood.
What word would you use to describe the ones who are involved?

Anonymous said...

"these BOE members individually focus on specific categories: G/T, Special Ed, theatre, transportation They lose sight of the needs of all our kids and the interrelationships among these needs and programs!"
You forgot the board member that supports sports too.

We all focus on the category where our children fit in, it is called Support.

What type of person would like in there?

Anonymous said...

First of all, to anyone who posts here or anywhere on the internet, please keep in mind that while you submit your posts as anonymous, surely your identity can be tracked either through the blogger or your IP address. Defamatory or insulting remarks are unproductive to arriving at a resolution and at the end of the day, that’s all any of us want is a better East Greenbush. Although I appreciate anyone defending me, this is neither the place to assault my character nor submit my defense. For now, anonymity is ones greatest friend, but I would much prefer a face to face debate as I am more than qualified to present my arguments and possess sufficient intellect to do so.

While I agree in large part with “Disgusted Parent’s” post, I would offer this correction. The Town Board has NOT been “attacking” the school board. As an individual taxpayer, who happens to be a Town board member, I have been critical of the events that have taken place and participated in the discussion, arguably at the request and to the satisfaction of a number of residents. I believe I have an obligation as an elected official to demonstrate a certain amount of “leadership” in that capacity; however, my conduct has neither been malicious nor truculent in a personal manner, nor have I defamed or presented libelous comments as have been posted about myself or others. My comments have been critical of the ACTIONS of the collective board and not the character of the individuals involved. For the record, the lack of “political” involvement in these types of issues in the past has been taboo, more out of political expedience, than a commitment to the cause. I have little regard for any consequences politically and as such have leant my voice to this debate. Unfortunately, my involvement has been misconstrued.

It is apparent that my comments here have inspired more animosity than intended. It was my hope that participating, or trying to, in a way that satisfied the curiosity of an angered populace would be of greater benefit than detriment. I do not believe that my comments fueled this debate, but my willingness to identify myself appears to have draw criticism and a place to cast unwarranted, truculent outbursts. It is perhaps best if I withdraw from any debate here and participate in a forum in which when challenged, I can respond in a more personal manner. I can be contacted for further participation at As I will keep correspondence confidential, I would prefer individuals to identify themselves as I will not respond to an anonymous comment. Let us present our arguments with honor not shame.

I agree with a prior post that it was neither Mr. Werking nor Mr. Chesser who posted negative comments about me, nor do I hold them in contempt on a personal level. Someone has apparently taken great personal offense to a challenge of the board’s public demeanor and they shouldn’t. To suggest or accuse any individual without proof only detracts from a productive debate on the issue and keeps us from getting where we need to be as a community.

There is neither victory nor defeat in this issue. For as long as it persists, we as a community continue to lose. My involvement was to try to get a better understanding of what happened and why. I am confident that I have done my best to shed some light on the issue and I am satisfied with what I have learned. “Disgisted” parent is absolutely right, a mistake was made. There are now only two ways to address it. Participate in crafting a new budget that cuts spending to the greatest degree possible and exercise our rights as taxpayers at the next election. The fate of the BOE truly lies in our hands. Perhaps this debate will inspire a greater commitment to detail on the part of this board or any future members that particpate and encourage arrogance to be replace by altruism.

My apologies to the community and the BOE, if by participating with good intentions, I have hindered an issue oriented debate.

Anonymous said...

Bringing in Town Politics to this by the rant above is SICK And I now think the current BOE needs to go- that was just uncalled for and pathetic!!!!

GAR was used by virtually EVERY single town in our area- it was the best way to do it. Lets talk about how our town taxes have not gone up in years- YET my mortgage goes up EVERY year because of my school taxes- ENOUGH!

I am disgusted. I am a VERY involved parent and find this sick. I have heard the stories about the McHughs and Furlong denying sick time donations to help them- SICK, Mr.Brewer would never have done that! And all the other stories out there.

We are going to loose teachers and staff and it makes me so sad. It is sadder only 3 can be replaced right now.

Lets get 3 strong people up to replace them!