Thursday, February 7, 2008

So are we any closer?

Not exactly. We will never know the truth about Becky. My apologies to Supervisor Mc Cabe and Councilman Cristo. A couple of posts got through without me truly reading them. This forum was not intended for a discourse of Town Politics. The personal shots that were taken by someone at you over your right as a TAXPAYER and CITIZEN of this town were blatantly unfair.

The amazing thing to me is that this is the United States of America. You are allowed to voice your opinion without being thrown in jail by the government. Yet people are polarized because of an opinion different than theirs.

The facts as we know them are clear and indisputable;

1. Becky will be paid until she finds a Superintendent Position. A year full salary from us and less over the remaining two years. Read her amended contract. Given her track record only idiots would hire her. So it looks like we are subsidizing a mortgage banking career.

2. Our BOE paid an outside firm taxpayer money to search for a Super. Enlisted the community in the search. Then wanted to take an idividual that had no ties to Terry Brewer. I don't know Mr. Brewer personally or professionally. How did he get such a bad rap by this board?

3. They made a difficult situation for the McHugh Family even more stressful.

Sitting at BOE meetings the arrogance from members of this board is very disconcerting. They are elected officials supposedly representing our community. It is time they go. They don't possess the traits we ask of our children. Honesty, Integrity, Character. They all carry agenda's and we are now seeing that the agenda is not our children.

We need to heal as a community and stop the bleeding before it gets to the children.




Anonymous said...

When a superintendent is hired, it is often a three year contract, with an evaluation of that person done on an anual basis. A superintendent can be "let go" for just cause, but that decision and discussion is NOT open for public scrutiny, because it is specific to an employee and NOT subject to FOIL. As much as it frustrates residents, they would be able to negotiate a buy out of the contract. The BOE acted within the law!!!!
This also shows that it is so important to have the "right people" on any BOE. They are involved in the decisions made for the district and in the best interests of the students. Unfortunately, you have people on this present BOE that let their personal agendas take prescedent over the process of hiring a "leader" for the district. Writers are correct when they say "we must move forward"!! You can't change what happened, but you have the ability to change the BOE and the direction they are going in, by voting them out every year until you have a "new" BOE.......and one that truly represents the community and has the welfare of all the students uppermost in their decision making!!!

Anonymous said...

You know, had the community known what the board did to the McHugh family I think many of us would hav donated, stepped and did something to help! SAD SAD SAD may they never be in need.

Anonymous said...

I feel like this is DeJaVu ... the community upset with the BOE, the town board upset with the school board, residents upset with other residents, a community in complete turmoil.

Oh, that's right, this is EXACTLY what happened in Unatego and is still happeing there, because their school board also hired Dr. Furlong and ignored the community's concerns for a long time.

However, unlike the Unatego school board, the EGCSD school board KNEW EXCACTLY WHAT THEY WERE GETTING INTO WITH DR. FURLONG before they hired her.

This whole situation is an absolute disgrace. Now the board just wants to "move forward" as if nothing happened.

WE WON'T FORGET! Our taxes are way to high to be paying someone $160,000 +++ benefits to do nothing. It's also a slap in the face to the PTO's who are expected to raise all sorts of money to support our schools. Don't ask me to buy any candybars, cookie dough, wrapping paper, etc.. anymore, because obviously the school district has money to throw around.


Anonymous said...

Fundraisers that are done by the PTO'S are VERY important.

I have seen playgrounds built out of them, school trips paid for, donations to child base needs and programs.

The money the PTO's raise are "each" school based and are Needed.

Thank You, for ALL those who continue to Support & Volunteer In their PTO's!

Anonymous said...

At the very least, we get the opportunity to vote in three new Board Members...but more importantly, if indeed, the board members read this blog, as many suspect they do...I hope that they consider the uproar as they prepare their next budget proposal. The taxpayers cannot afford another double digit tax increase, and the BOE cannot blame it on the re-assessment...that's a cop~out! Once the re-assesment takes place, the towns will lower their "rate per thousand", thus keeping the increase manageable. The school district however, is under no such mandate!! Taxpayers should be aware that once the new assesed rates hit, that the BOE is under no obligation to lower the "rate per thousand" which could potentially double some peoples tax bill for EGCSD. The BOE's latest flyer goes to extremes to dodge this point, and they don't want us to know this important fact. I went to the first meetings that GAR held, and the woman from GAR was very explicit about the fact that the Town's will lower their rate per thousand, but she also very carefully said that the School District does not have to lower its rate per thousand. Taxpayers beware !!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the EGCSD has experienced a very difficult past few months,due to the mismanagement of the BOE. Even sadder is the fact that because of that mismanagement, they have lost any credibility they may have had. That reflects directly on the proposed budget and its' success or failure!!Reasonable people will look at a reasonable budget increase and decide for themselves whether or not to support it. Again, sadly, people may vent their frustrations over the events of the past several months by voting "NO", which has the potential of loss of programs and/or athletics. I would urge residents to give careful consideration to their vote for the budget, and to vent their frustrations by voting the present BOE members out of office, so that we can "rebuild" the great district that we had "BRF" (before Rebecca Furlong)!!!!!!!!!!!