Sunday, April 13, 2008


VOTE YES on the budget and VOTE OUT THIS BOARD OF EDUCATION. Three at a time, there Time has come!


Hadit said...

Yes, plese VOTE YES. Dr. Guptill has done a wonderful job with this years budget. Not only has she kept it below a 4% increase, we are also getting a 5.7% increase in State funding. There is no reason not to pass it, regardless of how we feel about the BOE. As stated, we can vote them out. We just need three good candidates to run who will not put up with Ms. Hart's bullcrap and arrogance. So please everyone vote YES YES YES. Our students deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Remember it all depends what threats the BOE will place upon us if WE THE PEOPLE don't do as they command!!!! Will the close the schools to public use...Yes! Will they take away all sports programs....Yes! will they harm our children while many higher up's get bigger pay checks....Perhaps!!

It all depends on what the BOE feels is a "necessary" increase in taxes...I know Fuel costs are skyrocketing but they need to realize so are the induvial taxpayers as well......BOE the "ball" is in your court! Oh I pray that there the current three up for their seats either lose the re-election or are smart enough to "retire".......Remember people....WE CONTROL HOW THE BOE RUNS BY OUR VOTES!!!

Anonymous said...

Residents need to be aware that monies from NYS are formula driven, and that often those formulas are manipulated by downstate and Long Island elected officials, to send more monies to THEIR local districts. Aid to education in NYS is catagorized, and many times does not allow flexibility in areas of expenditures. When you see a 5.7% increase in state aid, you will find that much of that increase is in building aid for projects in building or renovation that have been supported by residents in a bond vote. Unless you have been schooled in school finance, for the average resident, it is difficult to fully understand the complexities of state aid monies. Residents should take the time to attend the public hearing on the proposed budget and ask for clarification of these issues. Someone should ask if the increase in state aid is directly related to your latest or most recent building project. It is an opportunity for residents to better understand the distribution of monies!!!!! The election of BOE members is a totally different issue, and one that should also be addressed.

Hadit said...

Thank you both for the information you have provided. It is sound advice to attend the public hearings. I for one will make sure I do. I didn't realize that a 5.7% increase meant what you explained. The only way we will get ahead is by being better informed. It is obvious our board will not TELL us anything we SHOULD know, so it is up to ALL of us to make sure we are informed by asking questions until we get the right and truthful answers. As to the first "anonymous" comment on what "threats" the BOE will place upon us I feel not going to happen after their last fiasco. I believe they now have gotten the message that we,whom they answer to, now know we will not put up with their arrogance. If they want to keep their positions, even though we will make sure they won't, they will start doing what we elected them to do and not be there for their own agenda. We can have them replaced before their term is up and they know it. I again hope everyone will say yes to our budget and go to the meeting and be informed.

Anonymous said...

Well it's offical the BOE is going to see how much they can get from us!!! 3.6% increase in the Budget spending ....A little higher than I would like ( I was hoping for 2-3% only) ( much like my raise) but what is the 4.4% TOTAL INCREASE IN TAX LEVY???? they want to tax us more than they need???? I do not know what that is why I will not form my opinion yet.
Is this like what Averill park did a few years ago inflate the budget so they have more in reserves??? Let us see what and who responds! I have noticed that not many are on this site anymore!! What happened???

Anonymous said...

Although not familiar with all of the nuances of the EGCSD, I do know that ditricts deal with the rising costs of fuel and heating, as do homeowners, along with many unfunded mandates, enhancing academic programs, and additional staffing, as needed. This budget year, NYS has allowed districts to maintain a 4% unappropriated fund balance, as opposed to previous years, when they were only allowed a 3% unappropriated fund balance. These monies provide a cushion for unexpected expenditures, such as an influx of students with special needs, which could cost a district thousands of dollars, depending upon the services that are provided. In addition, all BOE members are requried to attend a course in fiscal management, within the first year of their election. For sitting BOE members, they were also required to attend, and received a certificate of completion. As I stated in a previous post, there are many complexities to building a school budget, and it is incumbent upon residents to attend the public hearing, listen and ask questions. I hope this helps to clarify some of the questions that have been raised.