Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Need Verification

I don't know if anyone else heard. I was told two days ago that Mr. Servidone was not renewed as the Football Coach at Columbia without cause. A last ditch effort by a rogue SCHOOL BOARD to get their way. The remaining 5 people that need to be removed from the school board are going to go. We need to change who represents us!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the three new board members will be targeted as well.
East Greenbush is fast developing a reputation of which many are ashamed. Grow up guys and get off the playground. Bullies need not apply!!!!!

Anonymous said...'s true. The ad for Mr. Servidone's replacement has been in the local newspapers!!! Not much has changed........there is still a movement on to remove anyone connected to our former Superintendent, Mr. Brewer!!! EGCSD is beginning to look like some of the surrounding districts that are also in turmoil!!!!! If the BOE doesn't wake up soon, you're going to continue to see many good staff members leave the district for greener pastures. Residents need to be proactive and keep the heat on the BOE to do the right things for the students and district, and stop playing games!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I hate to say " I told you so " , but my post from 02/11/2008, listed below as " A Great Point" , has apparently sorta come true ! I assuming there are several of you out there who have recently received your School Tax Bill and realized a substantial increase in your taxes. The school Board , as I stated earlier this year, DID NOT LOWER THE RATE PER THOUSAND... and allow for it to fall in line with the new assessments. I suspected that they wouldn't. I was going to post around school budget time, but thought better of it, and now it seems I was a little too late. The School Board owes us an explanation of why they disseminated the proposed tax increase of 4+ % when they knew darn well that they were going to receive extra $ from the new assessments. I am fully aware they are bound by law to be fiscally aware of what their projected income is and what their expected disbursements will be, but lets be real honest here.....the numbers don't match up, - or - there's parts of the new budget that are " misleading" or otherwise mis-worded. Whatever the real deal is, there are numerous residents of this school district who cannot pay their tax bill - plain and simple. I have witnessed a senior citizens tax bill, and what was once a tax levy they could handle , has now become an insurmountable debt that there is no way they can pay !!....What say the Board here ?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

It appears that we are now paying for two athletic directors. When will it stop?

Anonymous said...

Can someone please leave on this post where I can email New York State regarding our Board of Education. Maybe a web site and or a phone number? I know there was something on here before