Thursday, January 15, 2009


It now seems the BOE feels the need to attack the athletic program. Why? Don't know none of the BOE can say! To post all of the Fall coaching jobs in the TU on Sunday without informing the coaches that have coached the sports is reprehensible. Another action by a board that "HAS NO CLUE"

Mr. Angelo apparently is running this bus into a wall. Thanks Mr. Angelo! You screwed this district up the last time you were on the board and now you are going to do it again. With children in the sports program in this school district it is going to be a scary time. I wonder if Mr. Angelo ever played on a team.

We need to continue to remove 3 more from the BOE in May and take back our School district. I am so tired of hearing this board is going after freinds of Terry Brewer. I still have yet to see what he did so wrong.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Mike Leonard should develop some leadership skills and fend off the BOE. He is an easy target and Mike Angelo is a predator. I agree that the BOE needs changes, but some of these highly paid administartors need to get their acts together too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Angelo and the rest of this so called BOE should remember why they were elected. " To represent the best interests of the citizens of the EGCSD especially the children" and not their own self serving interests. If they can't remember that maybe they should step down and make room for those of us who can do that. It seems they are hell bent on destroying all that has been built over the past years. For the most part, the athletic programs are in good shape doing what they are supposed to do," provide the youth of the district the opportunity to grown as young men and young women with character". It's not mostly about winning games. Also, lets hope they don't use the current fiscal mess the state has created as an excuse to tear down the house that we have all built over the years. The EGCSD is one which is looked up to in this region. In closing, if they can't remember what they were elected to do, they need to get out or they can wait until we vote them out. Respectfully submitted, Someone who truly cares

Anonymous said...

"It seems they are hell bent on destroying all that has been built over the past years. For the most part, the athletic programs are in good shape doing what they are supposed to do," provide the youth of the district the opportunity to grown as young men and young women with character". It's not mostly about winning games. Also, lets hope they don't use the current fiscal mess the state has created as an excuse to tear down the house that we have all built over the years"

I am hoping sports are not affected too much with this "mess" either.
Unfortunately, the reality is something has to be cut 1.5 million worth

Anonymous said...

Had an interesting conversation with a retired teacher the other day, regarding Mike Angelo and his antics from years ago. He was described as a bully, egotistical, male chauvenist , and degrading to most other employees. Angelo had a position on the teachers union board, and apparently everyone hated him while he was there. He has morphed into this nasty , mean, condescending , bully that no one can seem to communicate with. He has no real sense of purpose or direction as of late, and is now digressing into a miserable, hated , old man!!! The remainder of the board is not without fault here either !! This witch hunt they are conducting for Mike Leonard and any other district employees that they think are friends with Terry Brewer must be exposed and brought out into the light. Make them - ( Hart, Graziano, Werking, Curley) openly acknowledge what exactly it is they are making such a big stink over. Werking will hide, Hart will defer to Graziano, and Graziano will have " no comment" . !!! Go figure. Curley will side with Hart and Graziano, Angelo will start an argument that doesn't need to be started....and basically....there goes the meeting right out the window !!! When are the next elections?!?!?! NOT SOON ENOUGH !!

Anonymous said...

Bernie Watt at it again !! Monday he was again witnessed inappropriatly touching a female student....with witnesses as well !! Sawchuck is trying to sweep the entire thing under the rug. Victim and her mother- ( a district employee !!) have apparently gone to the Police. Watt was dismissed a few years ago for basically the same thing. WHY is he back here.....doing the same thing again !?! Parents in the district have gone to school in the past and demanded to have their daughters removed from his classes.....why is he still allowed to be a teacher ?!? This needs a thorough investigation...and Watt and Sawchuck need to be dismissed .

Anonymous said...

Watt was brought before the state after the school's last investigation. Brewer had an investigation done, he had a ton of evidence against him and the state of NY gave him 6 mos PAID leave and let him keep his teacher's lic.!!!This is the State's fault....And as for Sawchuck, WHAT DO YOU expect? That's the least of it with him

Anonymous said...

Why is anyone surprised? Sawchuck has more skeletons than Albany Rural Cemetery. Watt was a clown when I went there in the mid 80s. Always bragging to HS kids about his conquests as a soccer star.

Anonymous said...

Mike Angelo is a nasty guy. I don't think I have seen him smile in the 4 years I have known him. How did he get elected in the first place? You know he didn't charm anyone. Can someone please help him get a personality?! Please! For the sake of our children!

Anonymous said...

The only way you are going to get Watt out of this district is to request that your child does not have this Scumbag as a gym teacher.

I really mean it:
Everyone Request that Bernie Watt is not your child's gym teacher.
No students, No Job!

Anonymous said...

The Times Union has been alerted. Can have this covered up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bernie Watt arrested today , news on Channel 10 this evening. What a disgrace !!! Arrested and charged with Forceable Touching of a 16 year old female student....I hope he fries in hell for this !!