Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Watt A Story!

As a parent in the district, I recieved an email from the high school today regarding this situation. True as Mr. Sawchuck put it Mr. Watt is innocent until proven guilty. However, I would bet if you have gone back through the past 10-15 years of Columbia High School female students (who have experienced Bernie) I imagine your opinion would be as formed as mine is.

When he is found guilty, as I am sure he will. This district will be rid of him! His attorney is already trying to spin it like he is some EDUCATOR of the Year! We, who live in this town know the truth. The female students that have had him as a teacher know who Bernie Watt is. Now lets expose him for what he is.


Anonymous said...

My daughter was assigned to Watts class last year. I went directly to the High School and demanded that she be switched. The sachool complied , but leads me to the obvious question...why and how does Watt keep his job when virtually every teacher at the High School, and most parents know he is a child molester ?? I've been told that he was involved in a similar incident in 1997, and again in 2005. There has apparently been several incidents that Sawchuck has "swept under the rug" as well.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that the child had to call the police rather than the administartion. Seems that schools are more worried about "bad press" then doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

The real sad thing is that the parents went to Sawchuck 1st !!! He blew it off !!! They then went to the POlice !!!

Anonymous said...

MR. Watt is not a good teacher. He calls kids stupid and went as far to tell a hipanic kid to "run back to the border" he is always staring at the girls and made us do "exotic streching" does that sound like a good teacher. I for one am not surprised at this. I as a student of Mr. Watt feel beter knowing he will be finaly brought to justice. He is a pervert and a creep. He needs to go to prison and certinitly never teach again. He is a terrible person and a mean old man that needs to make fun of kids to make himself feel better.

Anonymous said...

We need to keep our "eye on the ball " here. Sawchuck has been letting WATT off the hook for years. There have been numerous complaints filed by students, parents and staff members that have been brought to Sawchuck and he has done virtually nothing with Watt. Sawchuck is worthless as an administrator and building principal. He plays favorites ( Patti Newhouse and Watt are perfect examples ) Watt is guilty, but Sawchuck should be disciplined as well.

Anonymous said...

Dear Readers:

In light of recent allegations at Columbia High School this past week, I am writing you this letter in support of Mr. Bernard Watt and his family. Foremost, there is a substantial disconnect between the man I have known for 19 years as a student, an athlete, a colleague, and a friend and the individual that he has been portrayed by the media and by the alleged victim. I have spent significant periods of time with Mr. Watt for 19 years in various roles and I have never witnessed any incident of professional misconduct, irresponsibility, or neglect for any of his students, athletes, or fellow colleagues. Moreover, I can strongly attest to his character and integrity without any reservations. In fact, Mr. Watt is one of the most exceptional individuals I have come across in my academic, athletic, professional, and personal career. He has directly contributed to my success and has without a doubt influenced my life positively. I would like to share some of these experiences with you below.

I have known Mr. Watt since I was a 10 year old student at Genet Middle School. As a student in the EGCS District, he served as either my Physical Education Instructor (5th & 6th grade) or my Coach (7th-12th grade) for Track and Field for close to a decade. In particular, I spent significant periods of time with him each afternoon and on most weekends during the academic year due to my participation in indoor and outdoor Track and Field. As a coach, Mr. Watt set high academic, athletic, and personal expectations. He created a positive and hard working environment that facilitated my development as a student/athlete. Under his guidance and direction, I broke several records on the field while maintaining an excellent grade point average. He helped me accomplish this by spending extra time with me after established practices, believing in my potential, and encouraging me to set high standards to achieve. Moreover, as my coach and instructor, he was passionate about helping my future. In the highly competitive college admission environment, he personally reached out to several coaches encouraging them to help my admittance to their respective institutions and onto their teams. Taken together, Mr. Watt went above and beyond what was expected of him in his capacity as a Coach. He genuinely and honestly wanted me and my teammates to succeed in the classroom and out in the real world. Moreover, during all these years, I always observed him conduct practices with professionalism and he always interacted with his student/athletes in a very positive, compassionate, and encouraging manner. Even after my graduation from high school, Mr. Watt and I spoke regularly during my undergraduate years where he always offered me good advice on my training and about life in general. Since accepting Assistant Coaching positions in the EGCS District in 2003, my association with Mr. Watt has changed from a student-teacher/coach relationship to that of a fellow colleague and friend. Although he has retired from coaching Track, Mr. Watt frequently offered advice and encouragement as I became a coach myself in the District. Importantly, I aspired to affect the lives of my athletes as he had done for me over many years. I am absolutely confident that we will continue this relationship for many decades to come. He is truly one in a million on every level: as an educator, as a coach, as a mentor, as a citizen, and as a person. I am grateful and honored to have such a caring person in my life.

In summation, Mr. Watt is an exceptional teacher, coach, colleague, and friend. Based on my interactions with him over the past 19 years, I can personally attest to his strong character and unequivocally know that the allegations presented against him today are both false and unjustified. Moreover, I am absolutely confident that he will continue to have a major impact on the lives of the students and staff in the EGCS District. His motivation to succeed in these endeavors are reflected in his exemplary career that has been dedicated to instilling outstanding morality and citizenship in and out of the classroom and his promotion of the highest athletic and scholastic achievement. I can not stress upon you enough how much Mr. Watt has played an instrumental role in my personal and professional development since the 10 year old middle school student he met at Genet to the 29 year old Doctor I am today. As such, I will personally be indebted to him for the rest of my life. He is the best role model and mentor any student or colleague could ever have. Based on these attributes, I am convinced that he will be an invaluable fit for the EGCS District for years to come and I encourage you to recognize his accomplishments, service, dedication, and the affect he has on others before making any judgments.

Dr. Roman M. Salasznyk
Email: Rsalasznyk@gmail.com

Concerned said...

That was an eloquent speech there Dr. Honestly, you have the wrong equipment for Bernie. In the past week I have heard and overheard all through town, stories about the "good teacher". I won't bore you because you either won't believe them or will dismiss them as untruth's the same way the EGCSD has protected him over the past 10 years. He will be shown for the person he is!

Unknown said...

In light of the recent allegations regarding his conduct towards a student, I would like to express my unconditional support and confidence in Mr. Bernard Watt. Based on my experiences and judgment, he is a qualified educator and an exceptional role model for the young adults at Columbia High School. During the 18 years that I have known him, he has always demonstrated the upmost integrity, professionalism, and responsibility. I was the captain of the track team at both Columbia High School and RPI under the guidance of Mr. Watt. He has played a significant role in the athletic, professional and personal development of many people, including myself. I am deeply concerned about the way the media and alleged victim are portraying him.

And to the person named "Concerned"....rather than taking a subjective look at the situation, it seems to me like you are more interested in hiding your identity and mocking those that do not share your views. I would suggest taking a more mature approach. Students have "stories" about every teacher they come across, but to depict Mr. Watt as some sort of pedophile is unconscionable. I stand by Mr. Watt 100%.

Paul P. Salasznyk, Ph.D.

Anonymous said...

Someone please check into Sawchuck. Where one thing is covered up, there is ususally more.

Concerned said...

So Paul do you change your name and add PHD next to it to make you sound like you know what you are talking about. Irregardless, of what you think about me, I am able to voice my opinion. The justice system will take care of this situation. Whether or not my identity is known to you will not change the facts of this case. Having children in this High School and daughters who have been in contact with Bernie. I feel qualified to comment. Sorry you don't like what you are hearing. I hope someday you have a daughter to know what it feels like!

Anonymous said...

I understand someone could have a great exp with this guy, so dont tear him up. But everyone should really think about how hard it is for a child to go into the principal's office and to tell on a teacher. That is a very hard and scarey thing for a kid to do. and what happens after....nothing, so Mr. Watt keeps on doing it. Why is no one listening to these kids, do they not believe it? My daughter had a prob but she wont speak up now because she knows that the school will tell Mr. Watt and not do anything about it. He will be back to do it again and now he will be mad. Why is Mr. Sawchuck sticking up for him? Why doesnt he do anything, he is laughing at these kids thinking its funny? Does he have a boss that he has to answer to? Or does the Board Of Ed tell him what to do? I hope the Board realizes how scared the kids are to tell on this teacher.

Anonymous said...

Sawchuck is all talk, no action. He instituted a "zero - tolerance " policy on marijuana in the school two years ago. Within a week, monitors and teachers came to him with several bags of marijuana. He declined to pursue anything against the students caught with it. Word got out quickly to the student body - as it always does - and soon, the "zero-tolerence " policy was worthless. Bernie Watt has some serious issues, but Sawchuck isn't without fault here either. I hope the BOE reads this blog . Maybe they should initiate an inquiry into these actions.

Anonymous said...

This is not new in EGCSD. My brother was terrorized by Gorgeous George Czerno for 2 years at Goff. My brother had a 98 average outside of gym, but George wanted to fail him because he thought he was a sissy and fairy, which he openly called him in class. By failing him, he would keep him off the honor roll. Arnold Kaye did nothing!! George got to keep pulling his antics. These types of things happen more than you think and as the person above stated, make stsudents and parents think twice before complaining as they end up paying instaed of the teacher or employee.

Anonymous said...

To the clueless doctor...since when does being a good role model to SOME, or even MANY, mean that a teacher isn't a creepy predator to others? This is the THIRD incident that the school knows about, at least. Perhaps there are more that the district knew about. My niece played soccer and knew this turd and she said he was a creepy guy that always made young women uncomfortable with lewd comments. Sorry you had to find out about your friend, but your denial-fest is not helping.

--Guy With A Clue

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it funny that Watt's boyfriend has to post PhD after his name on every post? Someone needs attention.

Anonymous said...

I used to feel that this blog had a legitimate purpose. A place where concerned citizens could share their thoughts in an effort to help make and keep the East Greenbush School District one of the premier school districts in the state. However as of late it's become just a place for people to complain, toss mud, make sarcastic remarks, and be down right rude. What happened to the class that was shown earlier when we were united to holding the BOE and Superintendent accountable. Whom ever is running this blog needs to do a better job of screening some of these comments. We have serious times ahead as we try to preserve all the valuable programs that have made East Greenbush Schools the pride of our community amist serious budget times. Hopefully the stimulaus money will help us with this issue, keeping cuts to a minimum. I urge all really concerned citizens to attend budget sessions and keep a watchful eye on the building of the 2009-10 budget as our children's lives depend on it. These other issues are important but trust that they will be taken care of. Let's stop the mud slinging and focus on the future of our children and our district.

really concerned citizen

Hadit said...

After reading all these comments, I am quite amused. Some were intelligent some were down right cruel. It is obvious some of the repliers work in the school as do I. The rumors going around about this are astounding. This is a very serious situation and acusation.
1. Does anyone know of a school that does not try to hide bad publicity? I do agree it is good to try and keep it down until the EXACT TRUTH of the matter is resolved. Why report suspicion. I would rather know the whole truth.
2. I also know Mr. Watt and never had a good impression of him, but I am not going to condemn him until proven guilty. There are lots of creeps who work there, it doesn't mean they are all pedophiles. There are a lot of teachers who make fun of students. None of it is right!!
3. Maybe Mr. Sawchuck could have handled things differently...even if he thinks better of Mr. Watt, I do not believe he would try and sweep such a serious situation under the carpet. He did interview the students and it is said that they all had different stories and that an administrator was in the class at the time this happened. What conclusion would you come up with? Maybe Mr. Sawchuck's hands were tied at that point.
3. If totally true, this situation has destroyed a young girls confindence in the people she is suppose to look up to for guidance and protection. BUT, if NOT true, there is a man's total life destroyed permanently. Neither situation should be ignored.
We ARE all innocent until proven guilty and we should let the legal system make that judgement. Not this blog who only know rumored "facts?". Even the last story about Mr. Watt (yes I worked there then)is not being told truthfully.
As I stated earlier, I don't really care for the man; and yes this blog is a place to voice opinions, but let's be more civil. There is a lot wrong with CHS and I am afraid of what it is becoming. I wish I heard more insights into how it can be corrected. Could we use a stronger administrator...yes, but don't forget he also has a boss to answer to...I haven't heard anything on her take on this? What else can be done? How do we go about getting our high school to the standards it should be held up to? We, the employees are the ones who truly know what goes on...but who can we honestly speak to without worring about backlash?
I invite any who are employees to please write your feelings on what could be changed and your solutions to them.
Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

I am an graduate as well as a taxpayer of this district. I went from K thru 12th in these very schools. I am a guest speaker in several classes at the high school each year. I have children who have graduated as well as are currently in the high school, Goff, and Genet. I am tired of teachers such as Bernie Watt, who continually violate childrens rights, hide behind their tenure status and then claim that it's all a big misunderstanding. Bernie Watt has been trouble for years. He hasn't changed one bit ! I can appreciate the district employee who wrote the response above, and I fully understand the request to stop the " mud slinging" , however I also respect and recognize the anger and frustration that people express in blogs such as this one. I make no excuses for peoples anger, and I will defend their right to express that anger. Better here than a public forum, at least until all the facts come out. I would tend to agree with some posts listed above, that there isd ALOT of fault in this matter. I agree that the district is attempting to hide the negative press, and I see that side of the discussion. I hope that this matter can be investigated thoroughly and fairly and that it's over sooner rather than later. I personally do not care for Bernie Watt. I have been in his presence and I do not like him. That being said , I truly hope this entire matter comes to a end, soon, for everyones sake.

Anonymous said...

Now we have a teacher arrested for having a large quantity of pot. Our district looks great. Union should start getting on its members. There are too many good people teaching there to have these idiots make them look bad.

Anonymous said...

Ray announced his retirement. Hurray.

Anonymous said...

This is just another case of 2% of the faculty and administration causing 98% of the problems for our school. The vast majority of our teachers and administrators are truly dedicated to the education and well being of our children. Unfortunately there are those faculty and administrators that ignore why they are employed at our school and do not make our children a priority. Every EGCSD faculty member, administrator and parent knows exactly what staff I am talking about. This is not the first time issues have been swept under the rug. Sawchuck always seems to be at the center of the controversy. If it’s not protecting our children from predators, turning a blind eye to policy and procedures, it’s wasting our district’s limited funding. One parent talks about Sawchuck’s favorites. Insiders know exactly what they meant. Another issue that was swept under the rug by the EGCSD administration was the annual leadership conferences. These are conferences for Sawchuck's favorite faculty at a plush resorts paid for from school funds. Over the years these conferences have cost the district tens of thousands of dollars that could have been used for the benefit of our school and our children's programs. These favorite staff partied and had affairs for the entire week at the expense of our district. Can one person actually state one benefit our children received from these conferences? BOE please help.

Anonymous said...

Mayube this should be a new thread?

I have heard from two unrealted sources, that Dr. Guptill is demanding a 5% raise and that the board may give it to her. I like Dr. Guptill, but this is inappropriate this year. People are losing jobs all over and most companies are freezing pay. The management at my company took 10% pay cuts. I hope this is not true as we cannot afford these extra expenses, especially since there is talk of cutting programs.

Hadit said...

If Ms. Guptill is asking for a 5% raise,how dare she when she is laying employees off, cutting programs, etc. How dare the BOE even approve it. Maybe she should quit and work at the State Capitol with the rest of the self-serving (bleeps). She should be taking a pay cut. If she wants/needs more money go into the private sector then. She already came from riches and she wants we taxpayers to pay her more!!! Prove yourself first before you want more. We have other workers in the EGCSD that work 10times harder than she does with 10 times the stress. I don't mind if my school taxes have to increase, but not for unnecessary spending or raises. Our principal of the school isn't the only one who wastes our money on foolish things. Mike Kuzdzal would bring in catered lunches for the teachers who corrected tests, etc. They are already getting top dollar pay, and the ones who work at the school have to be provided substitues, so can't they provide their own lunch?? Way too much is totally out of control. When will this end???

Anonymous said...

It is aweful and getting worse. Now they have locked the track and us community members who pay tons of taxes are locked out. If you try to use the track, there is surveilalance and they have threatened to arrest people. All to protect the track. The silliness is that they don't realize that the bad people will just jump the fence and ruin the track - don;t punish the good people who just want to run and walk.

I hear Guptill is behind this dumb decision too.