Friday, May 1, 2009


How they are cutting security at the HS but adding two NEW administrative jobs at the cost of $150,000?


Hadit said...

First, thank you to our creator of this blog for the mention of the budget. My concerns are numerous. Things are definately out of control in the EGCSD. My biggest concern is cutting the security staff at the high school and creating two new administrative jobs at the cost of $150,000. The reason this concerns me is whether we have "alarmed" doors or not, we do not have enough manpower to man them. The students still run out these doors and are gone before anyone can see them. There are quite a few cameras that don't work outside, regardless of what the administration tries to make us believe and the security cameras switch from one camera to the next so fast you cannot tell anything from them. But students leaving the campus without permission leads us wide open to large law suits if they become injured under our watch. Another concern is the fact that they think the teachers are going to monitor the halls instead. We can't get them to write up students
for awols, inappropriate dress, or to stand in their doorways inbetween classes to make sure everything is okay!!!! And we now have to trust them to monitor hallways??? Most are oppposed and since they are mostly tenured, don't really care what happens. That leaves more stress on the "much underpaid" monitors they have left there. There will now be only one male left and the rest are females. And assuring us that the AP's are always out and about is not true at all. Unless you are there on a daily basis, YOU DON'T KNOW how important the security there is needed and for anyone who wants to downplay it is totally foolish and need not work there. Another concern is the fact that one person who works at the school has pressured her husband into running for the school board and bought in the petition and for two days was soliciting signatures on paid time. Unfortunately this person is a monitor and it is believed she is hoping he can save her job. We need the security but not done in that way. Another concern is how our Assistant Super went around to all the schools and informed TA's, monitors, librarians, teachers that they were going to be cut...scaring everyone...creating a scenerio to make sure everyone voted yes on the school budget. All of a sudden all but 3 TA's are coming back, we are retaining our librarians and teachers and prgrams are safe...all except the monitors. And we need two more administrative jobs?????? It is also rumored that our Super wants a raise. Lets take food out of poorer mouths to feed the already overpaid. This Wed, May 6 at the BOE meeting, lets ask these questions, ask them to justify these new jobs and the cuts. How does one become more important than the other. The salaries and benefits of the 3 monitors they let go and the 1 that they cut hours down to 2 a day still do not justify the salaries of new, unneeded, inflated positions.

Anonymous said...

Or even why are they passing out flyers at the athletic games to pass the budget, when no one from Admin. nor boe members nor any principals show up at any games?? They are just interested in getting our money but dont take the time to come to any of our kids games! AND how many of those admins. are going to pay these new taxes???? Do any of them live here??

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the track is closed and tax payers cannot use it. Orders from Dr. Guptill. When I called to complain, they said she would call me back - never did. Other friends have tried too - no one calls them or returns their emails. No accountability - seems like the more of the same. Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you went to the meetings you would have a clue.

Anonymous said...

I guess they've forgotten the feeling of having their children locked down while a shooter is is the school. Security should be paramount.

Do we really need two more administrators?

Doesn't it violate some labor law to take jobs away from some ( the monitiors in charge of security) and give the work to someone else?

And do we really want to be paying teachers salaries for teachers to spend their "off" period doing hall duty, instead of being available for study halls and office hours to give extra help to students who need it?

Anonymous said...

I did not realize there would be 2 administration jobs added. Do you know what positons are going to be made?

As for the HS security, The Teachers will be filling in on their free periods.

Anonymous said...

There is no need for the extra security. When there is 4 people standing at the front door, and about 10 people walking around doing nothing, it's a waste of money and time. Cutting the security jobs at the high school saves the district a lot more than $150,000. I's sad to see people lose their jobs, but honestly, it much sadder to see the waste of taxpayer money to have all those people doing absolutely nothing to help the security of the high school.

Hadit said...

To the last response....Yes there is need for the extra security. Nor is there 4 people standing at the front door nor 10 people standing around doing nothing. You obviously do not know what you are talking about. If you work at the school and actually have that opinion than you obviously are not doing your job either if you have so much free time to critize what the monitors really do. Yes I do know of ONE who is not doing their job, but that is the fault of the AP in charge who is well aware of that person's action or inaction. The other concern at the HS is, as I'm sure the other schools too, is favortism. That persons work ethic should not reflect on the ones that are where they are suppose to be and doing what they are suppose to be doing. Also cutting those positions does not even cover one of those new administration jobs. There again you do not know what you are talking about. The average salary for a monitor is under $11 an hour!!!! Yes it is more than minimum wage but not nearly as high as $75,000 plus the benefits. And it is cheaper than teachers pay too. We NEED security. Do we need two new created administrative jobs???? That is the real waste of taxpayers money. Try walking in a monitors shoes. They are on their feet for 6-7hrs a day, take total crap and disrespect from the students, are expected to be in more than one place at a time, and are the lowest paid employees. And as I mentioned before: 1) Students are leaving the building because there are not enough monitors to man all the doors...leaving the school open for lawsuits if a student gets hurt during that time, as a taxpayer I don't care to pay for unnecessary lawsuits; 2) The teachers will not be able to do the job the way the monitors can. The monitors are able to know the "usual" skippers, hallwalkers, etc., they know their schedules and know when they are or are not suppose to be out in the halls. Plus I will guarantee it will take an assigned teacher at least 15 minutes or more after a period ends to get to their assigned area...that is if they even show up. Also security at the high school also involves handling fights, smoking in the bathrooms, kids harrassing each other in the hallways. This does happen everyday, every period. To say we do not need the security is pure ignorance. If it was your child being harrassed, attacked, subjected to unwanted cigarette smoke, etc, you will be the first one to complain about it. Please get informed before you make comments like you did.

Anonymous said...

I went to Columbia for an IEP meeting and was appalled with the waste. 2 women sitting at front door signing people in - there was one visitor every 5 minutes, really needed 2 people. There were 2 men standing in the hall talking when I arrived - it was about eprsonal stuff from what I could hear. They were still there 25 minutes later. Brewer's kid was sitting there doing nothing and the secreataries sat in the back talking. There was a guy walkinga roudn the parking lot checking plate #s - what a waste.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about security at Columbia, but security at Genet is bad. You can get pretty far without being stopped. They use the same visitor sticker every day and have for at least 2 years. Bad security practice. The secreataries barely look up when you sign in.

Anonymous said...

" are going to pay these new taxes???? Do any of them live here??"

Vote Yes!

The proposed tax levy is LOWER than the contingency plan.

Votong "NO" only causes grief & tearing down everything we built.

Hadit said...

To Anonymous who went to the IEP meeting. If it was first thing in the morning the reason two ladies are at the front desk is because there are a lot of students who sign in late and more to logging it in than you are aware of. The two men you saw talking may have been teachers. And Mr. Brewers "kid" has a right to a job as anyone else. After the barage of sign ins there is only one lady at the front desk, a monitor for security and Brewers "kid" to escort and greet visitors. The "guy" in the parking lot has been checking plates for is so that the students who have parking permits aren't bumped out of their spots from those who don't and also a security measure. If there is a strange vehicle that shouldn't be there, it is looked into. Like another responder said...aparently everyone has forgotten the shooting at Columbia, does it seem less important because no one was killed like Columbine??? Thank the Lord it didn't happen that way. No one thought that it would happen for a first time. I would like to know that it won't happen again and the only way to make that happen is to have more and better security. But that is one of the first places that is cut in the budget. Again, doesn't anyone care about the money that is being spent unnecessarily? We do NOT need two new administration jobs at $150,000 plus benefits. We have THREE assistant superintendents. What the heck do they do if we need two more administrators?? I'm not saying not to vote yes nor do I want to see the budget fail, I plan on voting yes, but I am not happy with how the money is spent and how the truth of matters gets twisted and PR'd to make things look better than they are. This district is falling apart and it is at the hands of our BOE and the Superintendent.