Friday, December 28, 2007

Can I sign up to be the next superintendent?

A 6 mos. vacation for not agreeing with the BOE. She was worthless when she got here and is now taking our money to sit on her butt. It is time for this BOE to stand up and take responsibility for their HUUUUUGE mistake! Read below the propaganda;

Information Release from Board of Education,East Greenbush Central School District

Date: December 27, 2007

After serving the East Greenbush Central School District as its Superintendent since this summer, Dr. Rebecca Furlong requested and the Board has granted her a paid leave of absence following which she is expected to resign her position effective June 30, 2008.

The circumstances surrounding Dr. Furlong’s requested leave are due in part to changes in thinking regarding the goals and priorities established by the District since the commencement of services as well as the manner in which they are to be addressed. This movement has caused Dr. Furlong and the Board of Education, after careful consideration, to question the continued viability of the relationship established when she first agreed to lead East Greenbush.

The Board of Education and Dr. Furlong depart on amicable terms. The entire Board wishes Dr. Furlong well. The Board feels she has the ability and demonstrated work ethic to be a successful educational leader in the future.

Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Angela M. Guptill has been appointed effective immediately to serve as Acting Superintendent for the District while the Board addresses transitional matters. During this period, the Board of Education’s primary concern remains the continuity of quality education and services for our students. We are confident that Dr. Guptill, along with Assistant Superintendents Lawrence Edson, Jr. and Timothy Lange will provide the stewardship necessary to ensure that this occurs.

For further information, contact JoAnn Hart, Board President at 518-766-2337.


Anonymous said...

$160,00+ for coming into our district and just stirring up trouble. Now she's PAID for the rest of the year????? This would have funded 4 new teachers' salaries. The board should be held accountable for this. This is robbing the tax payers. They could at least make her come in and do some filing, count paper clips, ANYTHING!!! Dr. Furlong sure made out like a bandit. This is an absolute disgrace.

If the BOE would have listened to the focus group to begin with, our district wouldn't be in this predicament.

Let's just hope the board does the right thing now and maintains some continuity.

Anonymous said...

That's correct... @ Unatego, we wanted her stripped of any authority & left to count T.P. rolls in the supply closet. She certainly shouldn't be paid while she anxiously searches for yet another district to deceive!

Anonymous said...

Just be glad she is gone early in the game, before you lost many good employees, like Unatego did. Paid leave, is a small price to pay, compared to what she could have done to your district as well. I give credit to EGB BOE fore taking this action and have her out of the buildings. Unatego's BOE took way to long to show her the door, and then handed her off to another district. Unatego's BOE should be ashamed of themselves. Hats of to EGB BOE for making a move.

Anonymous said...

We pay her because we railroaded her!
What we did was as ILLEGAL as all hell!
If there was a reason to let her go we would not be paying her.
I'm sure that an awful lot of empty TP rolls exist both here and in Unitago, it takes an awfullot of paper to clean all this crap off your faces!

Anonymous said...

Ditto the last comment! East Greenbush and Unatego should be ashamed of themselves. Once more Dr. Furlong has to pay for rumors spread by people, and stories that are stretched out of control.

Anonymous said...

The real problem is EG BOE. They wanted someone they could tell what to do and from reading the blogs from Unetego, they found the right candidate. We need to get rid of our BOE. They ignored every warning about her and the advice of the hiring committee; which I might add consisted of taxpayers, employees and administrators. The BOE apparently doesn't care what anyone else thought. As far as I'm concerned the BOE didn't act quick enough and I don't believe they will be able to do anything to wipe the egg off their faces. Excuse me I should say the "Famous 5" that wanted her. There at least were 4 who didn't want her that were still in their right minds. And I really would like to know who actually is the blogger who is sticking up for Dr. Notfurlong. That really is funny. It is probably her or maybe the "one" board member who worked "so closely" with Dr. Furlong.

Anonymous said...

Actually DUH, when someone is only 4 months into a 3 year contract, you're not going to fire them quickly without a MAJOR conduct (not performance) issue. The EGB BOE was likely facing a lengthy and potentially litigious battle to oust the good Dr. So their decision to trade 6 months of pay for her resignation most likely saved your school district money. Plus, it got her out immediately BEFORE good employees left. I'm guessing your labor unions had a hand in it as well. Unfortunately, Unatego wasn't in a position to do the same thing since our Board HIRED Becky to do the things she did. Further, our unions were not proactive in taking her on. When it got out of control the BOE was left with trying to promote her out. Obviously she left with a favorable recommendation or she couldn't have possibly made the best qualified list in the 4 or 5 districts she interviewed in. What has happened is really an indictment of the whole NYS education system. It has become a giant game "Old Maid" with half the deck full of Old Maid cards!

Anonymous said...

While not supporting the poor decision making of the sitting BOE, because they did sign a three year contract with Dr. Furlong, they do have a legal obligation to pay her a negotiated severance pay.
Although a tough pill to swallow, consider what could have happened to the district, had she been allowed to stay!!!! In her short tenure with the district, she managed to alienate administrators, faculty, staff and community, while not espousing the values and expectations of the community. When hiring a Superintendent, it is important to allow the input of all of the stakeholders, and I would hope that this will be done and that all reasonable opinions and input will be considered in the next selection!!!!
In regard to a statement by Unatego about their BOCES, I can assure you that we ( RCG-BOCES) are fortunate to have an outstanding BOCES with great leadership!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the statement "stories stretched out of control". Until you have been directly effected by Dr. Furlong you don't know how she operates. Here in Unatego she basically called a community member who is also a business owner and very involved in community service "a liar", in front of over a hundred people who attended a BOE. This meeting was attended by so many people because of one of her many "lack of judgement calls". When this member stood up for himself, and had witnesses to what she had said, she still refused to admit she made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, but she refused to accept responsiblity for hers. That is where it went wrong, she has no one to blame for her current situation other then herself. By the sounds of it she could have had a fresh start @ EGB and selelcted to continue with her old ways. She has been given every possible opportunity to be succeed. Dr. Furlong is in the wrong field of work.

Anonymous said...

Under NYS SCHOOL LAW... when the BOE is in executive session they must state a reason for that executive session. i.e. Personnel, etc. I don't believe I have seen any stated reasons for any of these executive sessions.

It is time that the famous 5 Resign from this board. So that we are able to put people on the board that can think in the best interest of our children and not led like a dog!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me "who the 5 are" on the school board. From reading this blog, it appears 5 BOE members are in one block and 4 in another. Some insight of who's who would be appreciated. Specifically, I'd like to know who supported to NOT go along with the focus group's recommendation.

Anonymous said...

What are the names of the Board members who did not seek re-election or get re-elected in May 07?

Anonymous said...

Here's an article that appeared on the front page of the local section of today's Times Union. This is a positive way to make the news!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!

Conflict linked to official leaving
East Greenbush administrator to collect $160,000 pay until June

By BOB GARDINIER, Staff writer
Click byline for more stories by writer.
First published: Saturday, January 5, 2008
EAST GREENBUSH -- The departure of school superintendent Rebecca Furlong was apparently not as much for personal reasons as administrators first said.

School officials announced Dec. 18 that Furlong, who was hired in August to the $160,000-a-year post, took a paid leave of absence.
Since then, the East Greenbush Board of Education posted a notice on its Web site saying Furlong will not return. It also exposed a rift between the 46-year-old educator and the elected officials.
"The circumstances surrounding Dr. Furlong's requested leave are due in part to changes in thinking regarding the goals and priorities established by the District since the commencement of services as well as the manner in which they are to be addressed," said the notice posted by the board and JoAnn Hart, board president.
"This movement has caused Dr. Furlong and the Board of Education, after careful consideration, to question the continued viability of the relationship established when she first agreed to lead East Greenbush."
When Furlong's leave was first announced, district spokesman Daniel Sherman at Questar III BOCES said, "It is for personal reasons and that's all we can say."
Furlong, who signed a three-year contract with the district, will remain on paid leave until she departs the district on June 30.
Angela M. Guptill, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, was appointed acting superintendent.
Officials refused any further comment.

Anonymous said...

EGCS is the laughing stock of the entire suburban council now. I hope ALL 9 members of the BOE are proud of what they've done to our district. It's not like they weren't warned about what they were getting into with Dr. Furlong. I think ALL 9 should be held responsible. I put more blame on the BOE than Dr. Furlong.

Oh yeah... Have we gone from GOOD to GREAT yet?