Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I guess rumors of her going out in cuffs may not be true!

December 18. 2007
Dear Member of the East Greenbush School Community:
I am writing to inform you that the East Greenbush Board of Education has granted a leave of absence for personal reasons, as requested by Superintendent Dr. Rebecca Furlong, and has appointed Dr. Angela M. Guptill as Acting Superintendent of Schools effective immediately.
Dr. Guptill has been serving as Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for the District, working in that capacity for 3 years and has been employed by the district for five years. The Board has asked her to assume the responsibilities of the superintendency and to oversee District operations while Dr. Furlong is on her approved leave.
During this period, the Board of Education’s primary concern remains the continuity of the educational process for our students. We are confident Dr. Guptill, along with assistant superintendents Lawrence Edson Jr. and Timothy Lange, will provide the stewardship required to ensure that this occurs.
Additionally, let me assure you that the Board and Administration of the East Greenbush Central School District are continuing our efforts to maintain and improve the quality and integrity of the educational programs and services we provide to our students.
We appreciate Dr. Guptill’s willingness to serve as Acting Superintendent and will provide you with additional information about the District as it develops.
As always, information regarding the District is posted on our website at www.egcsd.org.
Yours truly,
JoAnn HartPresidentBoard of Education


Anonymous said...

So is this what GREAT looks like?

Are you still laughing President Hart?

On opening day you commented on Dr. Furlong's terrific sense of humor during your introduction. I guess Becky got the last laugh. No work...and full pay!

The joke's on us taxpayers!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Guptill is once again proving her sincere dedication to the EGCSD! I applaude her. BOE~~let's not screw her again.

Anonymous said...

Dear BOE President,
Going ouy in cuffs MAY not be true?? What are you trying to NOT tell us? It's about time to come clean.

Anonymous said...

Amazing...might Becky's leave last until the budget process is complete? Is she capible of THIS job requirement???

Anonymous said...

It must be nice to be able to come into a school district, be totally incompetent, and end up with PAID personal leave from the district. She is making about 675 dollars a day to sit at home.


Anonymous said...

While the biggest part of your problem has left the building, don't forget that your current BOE put her in place. You may find it difficult to "heal" until your BOE is replaced. Stay aware.. don't become complacent now!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone see a pattern here? Accept a job and contract, act out in a way so that you will not be employed but still be paid due to the contract? How many other school districts has this happened to? She may very well know what she is doing.

And to the person who asked how many of us will be running for the BOE, I am guessing A LOT !!!

Anonymous said...

So WHAT REALLY is going on??? Does this BOE realize what fools like they look like????

That's what they get for ignoring the advice of the focus group and hiring that woman. Let's hope they keep Ms. Guptill and let her run the district. We need continuty at this point.

Luckily, my child is a senior and we'll be done with the school system soon. Except for taxes of course! How much are we still paying Becky???

Anonymous said...

How convenient !! Furlong was granted a "paid" leave of absence until June of 2008....where do I sign up for this job !! I would love to sit home, and collect her $160,000 while doing absolutely NOTHING !!!! Who are the fools here??? This current BOE should be called out on the open carpet, in front of ALL taxpayers, for squandering a years salary of our hard earned tax dollars.! I'm totally embarassed and furious that Furlong is allowed to sit on her well paid butt while doing absolutely nothing to earn her salary.....nice job BOE !!! Way to go !!!

Anonymous said...

Embarrassed? You should be embarrassed! All of you who have spread hate and rumors should be embarrassed1
I hope that Dr. Furlong takes this district to the laundry, she certainly deserves any monetary award she can get!
How many of you have had your carreers ended by rumor and half-truths? It is a sad sad fact that sites like these can spread lies and destroy lives!
Please, Please, any potential Superintendant candidate considering filling the vacancy in East Greenbush, READ THIS SITE AND BEWARE! Do not cross the special interest groups in this district. they have little scrupals and no morals and will lie and twist the truth to fit thier own agenda. They care not who they hurt or destroy. It is sad that the board had to act, being forced by negative sediment to prevent a long and needless out of control battle between factions. The board acted in an attempt to preserve what little order was left in the district.
To all those who will disagree I ask; if the super had done something to deserve termination, or something illegal, why did the board take the advise of counsel and continue to pay the super? (the answer is that she was railroaded)
So yes, be embarrassed, hang your pitiful heads in shame!

Anonymous said...

Potential Candidates for the future Superintendent Job should be truthful and honest on their resume'....it's that simple...no expounding on your experience, and simply provide verifiable documentation of your life and work experiences. This was not the case with Rebecca Furlong. The independent board of district residents and taxpayers, plus the group of district employees both recommended other candidates, NOT FURLONG !!!, So that naturally begs the question.....why or what was the BOE thinking when they hired this woman?!?! Did not one of them consult the Unatego District, to either verify or disprove these so-called rumors?? There are obviously BOE members posting to this website, which is fine, but lets just stop the ridiculousness, and call the cards as we ALL see them....why was she hired in the first place ?? Four months into her employment, and it isn't working out, and the posted comments of " difference of goals"..??? Who's kidding who??? No name calling here, just want some real , truthful answers from this board. It won't be easy, but the voters of the district didn't hire Furlong...the BOE did.....now explain yourselves...it's that simple...taxpayers deserve your truthful answer. We may not agree with it, but attempt to be honest, it'll defuse ALOT of this tension and anxiety that is building day by day . No need for hostilities, just some simple answers. The sooner , the better...please !

Anonymous said...

So, everyone who posts a point of view other than yours is a board member?
If I told you who I was, you would make up lies, tell half-truths about me and run me out of town on the same railroad that Dr. Furlong was forced to take!
Now, lets remember that we can not replace the super until there is a legitimate opening and that may be in July, after Dr. Furlong decides weather or not she will take more cash from the district. This district has noone to blame for this but the special interest groups and teacher union. I hope the taxpayers can see what the real truth is, not this propaganda you people push.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what you mean by "special interest groups"? And why would the teacher's union care? Yes the BOE Presdent should be embarrasses not us. It was made obvious that Mr. Dedrick was THE BEST candidate offered to us and the one candidate that was highly recommended by all the committee. Apparently our BOE feels they are superior to us "little" people. Let us eat cake? I do not completely fault Dr. Furlong. I belive she was doing exactly what the Board president wanted her to do and attack who she wanted her to. That is the ONLY reason Dr. Furlong was chosen. There were 4 board members who DID NOT want Dr. Furlong. The real change needed is in who is on our Board. I feel all of EG should insist upon JoAnn Harts resignation. The rest of her pups will follow.

Anonymous said...

To the previous post:
How dare you blame me without even looking in the mirror!
First let me assure (on a stack of bibles!) you that I have never previously posted to this blog or any other blog.
Second, I am not a high elected “teacher union” official.
Having stated that; I am a teacher and I am a member of the "teacher union" who you blame for the present problems of the district. I have read what every other contributor is saying on this blog. It has provided me with a source of demented entertainment. That is the extent of my and most every other teacher's involvement in this mess. I know of no statements from my union leadership about the superintendent's personnel issues. Again, why are you blaming me? Is it because teachers are a popular and easy target? Your generalizations carry no validity.
I am sure that the "teacher union" and every other EGCSD employee will be the ones that will end up dealing with the fall out of this mess. Where will you be?
My primary concern is what is happening with my student in my classroom. (Remember them?) I know you find this concept difficult to accept, but just as you went into your chosen field for a reason. So did I.
My secondary concern is what this issue will do when the community tries to pass a budget and everyone is so angry that the budget will fail and the administration will be forced to start cutting the district to pieces thereby undoing all the good the district has accomplished. When that happens, we will no longer be a great school district. Is that your real goal?

To all other posters:
People, lets start looking for ways to move forward. Please lessen my source of demented entertainment. Finger pointing and accusations are not the answer. It is now time to come together with solutions to the issues that are weighing on everyone’s mind.

Anonymous said...

If this whole situation was started on negativity, rumors, and half truths, why didn't the super take time from her busy schedule to dismiss them or COMMUNICATE her goals and immediate changes to be made in her new position? Please consider these points from an objective taxpayer who already pays enough:

#1 - If the athletic passes were "illegal" then why wasn't that communicated by her? She had the opportunity during the Fall "meet the coaches night" but passed on saying anything at all.

#2 - If she wanted an administrator to change his attire, why not make it public knowledge that there is an administrators' dress code (if there is a contractual agreement on this). But, for a person who works on the athletic fields as much as the grounds crew, does this whole thing really make sense?

#3 - Why won't the BOE clear up any/all rumors of her hire? The vote wasn't unanimous. Why not publically explain what the intent and motive was?

#4 - Now that the leave is on us (taxpayers), why not have the BOE personally pay the remainder of her salary (yes, as taxpayers, they will pay their share) instead of the rest of the district paying for their mistake?

#5 - Taxpayers should be reminded that a NO VOTE on the budget in May would DIRECTLY hurt the students - NOT the ones who started this whole process. If you want to take action, during the BOE elections, run or vote out those who are up for re-election.

#6 - If the turf field issue wasn't true and just a misconceived rumer, why didn't the super take the time to explain that at the BOE meeting in October, on the night of the "BOE Appreciation" dinner?

If she, or others, had done a better job of communicating, there stands a very good chance that this whole ordeal would never have been started.

Anonymous said...

"#5 - Taxpayers should be reminded that a NO VOTE on the budget in May would DIRECTLY hurt the students - NOT the ones who started this whole process. If you want to take action, during the BOE elections, run or vote out those who are up for re-election."
