Thursday, December 13, 2007

We cannot allow Good Educators to leave!

We cannot allow this board to throw our district into a shambles because of their ineptness! They need to make the change that is necessary or they all should resign!

We had a GREAT School District before this Superintendent. She has ruined every district she has been in. We need to step up and take our district back. THIS BOE IS IN FOR A GOOD HOUSE CLEANING!


Anonymous said...

I know but you can't think that we want to stay under these conditions. People really really don't understand what she is doing to people, SHE is just a MEAN person out for blood. Now I know she has been thru 2 bitter divorces but no one has that much bitterness, and anger inside because of a divorce. She really needs help, at least one of her personalities does. She sits at her desk, playing games on her computer and thinks who can I screw with today. But the only thing is she knows nothing about our school district. Our Educators, and Administrators are starting to get ready to leave. The other school districts in the area saw this coming, they knew she was going to do this, They are taking care of our GREAT employees and are willing to take them. Whats going to be left here.

Anonymous said...

Start asking for their resignations at BOE meetings & through the Letter to the Editor sections of your local newspapers. You may or may not be successful but you'll get a clear message across about how much respect you have for these individuals. Nobody likes to hear it spoken, out loud, how displeased people are with their performance. Even the BOE members w/ the most icy personalities can be brought to their respective knees. They may even tell you they won't resign ("want to finish what I started") but they'll get the message they shouldn't even THINK of running again. Certain defeat isn't something many ego's will accept. Keep your BOE members feet to the fire. Don't back down! The sooner you can get Furlong out of your area, the better.

Anonymous said...

Check out NYS School Law Section 2:60 which states, in part, "A school board may remove any of its members for official misconduct, that is misconduct clearly relating to a BOE members official duties, This is so when a BOE member engages in unauthorized exercise of power or intentionally fails to exercise power to the detriment of the district".

Anonymous said...

Once your district starts losing qualified personnel, what you're left w/ are voids being filled by the cast-off's of other districts. At Unatego, we lost many fine teachers & administrators. Other districts in the area were more than eager to accept these folks to their own districts. Of course, word passes quickly when someone like Becky Furlongs enters & begins to distroy a district. Nobody in their right mind is interested in accepting a position in such a district. What your BOE will ultimately hire are people who are fresh out of college w/ little to no experience or people who have been let go (for one reason or another) from other districts. The BOE needs to fill these voids as quickly as possible to make it seem as if "business as usual" is the name of the game. Brings a whole new meaning to "C-Y-A", BOE!

Anonymous said...

Check the EGCSD website... she's gone...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes!!! Thank goodness...
Our children have suffered somewhat, but we can now continue to move forward in a positive way. We CAN and WILL continue to be the GREAT district we were before....what's her name??

Anonymous said...

Someone tell me how we suffered.
Does this mean that Mike Leonard can go back to looking unprofessional? I kind of liked the new look.
Lets hope that the next administrator we hire isn't another victom of a witch hunt.

Anonymous said...

How have our children suffered? I am a parent and have attended BOE meetings. The BOE has a very thankless job, instead of criticisms try putting the students well being first. How many of you people will being campaigning for a BOE seat?

Anonymous said...

It's great that you have attended BOE meetings, I have too! I also listen to my child come home from practice each day and telling me that the superintendent has told them they cannot attend travel meets. Is this fair??? What are we teaching out children with this message? Work hard and be happy with completing half a job? Can't think of one person in East Greenbush, or anywhere else that wants to teach this message to their child.

Anonymous said...

The sitting BOE arbitrarily hired Dr. Furlong, totally disregarding the input of the search committee, which resulted in the hiring of Dr Furlong, who does not espouse the values of the E. Greenbush community, but rather, represents the personal agenda of certain BOE members. The "short-term leave of absence" does not resolve the problems associated with the hiring of Dr. Furlong, but certainly points out the poor judgement of the sitting BOE. They have proven that they do not deserve the support of the community in making decisions which are in the best interests of both students and community!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, so what traveling has been cancelled?
The wrestling team is going to Virginia AND Florida.
The cheerleaders are headed to Florida too.
I haven't seen any trips cancelled....
I sat at a board meeting one night after I had heard that the washington and Philly trips had been cancelled, only to hear those trips approved that same night. So again, what has been cancelled and who has suffered?
It seems to me that the agenda for the few has been run against the super and now the board!
That last post looked like and sounded like a bunch of political babble that really didn'y say a thing. So it is probably true that Dr. Furlong came in second in the opinion of the community members at the library those three nights, it was not the job of the community to decide, it was the board's job and they decided.
Who are YOU to say that she does not espouse the values of the community?
Why does the board not deserve our support? They did what all you simpletons wanted!(She is gone)
So I ask AGAIN, how have we suffered, (except at the hands of a group of anonomous hateful people)
Who shall we run out of town next???
I have an idea... let's pick on some religious group!!!!
Keep up the good work!
What a way to advocate education!

Anonymous said...

A WITCH Hunt. That sounds about right! EGCSD got it's witch. Let's hope the next time around we listen to the committee that is put together by the BOE. Mike Leonard did nothing but do his job. Anyone with any knowledge of public education and atheletics will see what he has meant to our district.

Anonymous said...

The community has expressed its values and expectations loud and clearly over the past several months. They value a quality educational system, which is run by competent administrators and BOE members, and which puts the students first. BOE members are expected to put their personal agendas aside, and look to enhancing academics and creating opportunities for all students to achieve their fullest potential. When you create an atmosphere of distrust and chaos within the district, there is a ripple effect which hurts all of the stakeholders. Serving as a BOE member does not mean expending one or two hours evry couple of means you are obligated to communicate and do your homework!!!!! Had that been done, you would not be dealing with the present issues!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This was Blessing in Disguise!

Now that Dr. Guptill is temporarily in charge, I have the uppermost confidence that she will do a Great Job.

Anonymous said...

Things for EG taxpayers to consider in May:
-$20,000 for a search committee
-$15,000 for a mentor
-paid leave of absence for Dr. F.
-possibly having to buy out her contract when she leaves
-starting all over with a new search
-signing a new contract for a new hire

and all the angst, and uproar caused by this whole situation,

ALSO, we know for a fact that Dr. Becky was planning to work all day Monday, so why the LIE from the BOE that this was a requested leave for a personal matter? Why not tell the tax payers, staff and public that they requested she take a leave until her issues are cleared up? If it is not something that happened at our district, as rumors suggest, then tell us so upfront. We don't need the legal personnel details, just truth from our board.

Anonymous said...

"The BOE has a very thankless job"

No Kidding.
I commend them! I would not want their "volunteer" Job.

Finger pointing is Not the solution, resolving the Problem at hand is.

Anonymous said...

This blog seems to be quite light on facts and very heavy on rumor and innuendo. If the BOE was truly upset with Dr. Furlong, was that communicated to her? Perhaps the upset was from a few select people who have escalated these emotions. No supt should be gone after such a short time--change is hard and takes time for reasonable people to communicate and compromise. I have heard that she has a very good reputation as a true educator, but one who tries to right wrongs when she sees them. Just a consideration................

Anonymous said...

History repeats itself, as EG joins with other area school districts that have also struggled with new superintendents. You may be correct, that the BOE, in hiring Dr Furlong, got exactly what THEY were looking for, however they are elected as representatives of the community, and the community has expressed their displeasure loud and clearly. Did the sitting BOE ask for or allow input from the community, regarding the characteristics they were looking for in a new superintendent??? The BOE directs the Superintendent in the course of leadership expected!!! Therefore, one would assume that the BOE is, indeed, responsible for the direction Dr Furlong took!!! Now, after outrage in the community, and in hindsight, they are trying to rectify their mistake. They need to get input from all stakeholders, and develop a model to follow in the search for a new superintendent. The community cannot afford another wrong decision!!!!!!!!!!

Hadit said...

I am still amazed that a certain blogger is sticking up for the BOE and Dr. Furlong. Our BOE purposefully lied to us and deceived us. They cannot be trusted anymore. Our BOE needs to come clean with us; admit your HUGE mistake, apologize and get down to what you are suppose to be doing. As previously stated...we are all here for the best education we can give our students. Apparently the BOE did not feel that was being done the way THEY wanted it to be done, henceforth the hiring of Dr. Fulong, noted as being a puppet for any BOE. The BOE has no clue as to what goes on in any of our schools because they never are around enough to see it for themselves. They instead rely on rumors and innuendo to guide them. Just like they accuse we bloggers of doing. I could bet that most of the bloggers are employees...the ones who have first hand knowledge of what goes on. The ones who give 100% of themselves to make this the GREAT district it is. I feel we, employees and taxpayers are owed the TRUTH and explanation as to why this mess started to begin with.