Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The winds of change are upon us. You saw through all the material and propaganda to vote yes to the Budget. The children of our district are grateful.

The Becky fiasco lives in our budget again this year. We have begun the process of removing a rogue school board. Next year three more will be removed and we won't settle until they are entirely replaced! YES, MS. HART THAT INCLUDES YOU!


Anonymous said...

Well It's over!! The Budget ONLY passed by 70 votes!!! 1585 to 1515 from what I see in the Times Union. Goes to show you a great deal of the "people" almost 50% still think our taxes are way too high and paying for mistakes made many upset. However A fresh start is upon you said 3 down 5 to go?? Let's see if the message was clear enough to the remaining board members....were watching you and you better do what's good for the district and our kids!
Congatulations to Mark Mann, Michael Angelo & Michelle LeClair. 2of the 3 of you are returning back to serve once again..please take what you have seen this past year or so and help us move the BOE to the right path.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip! You sound like a person with an axe to grind.

Anonymous said...

Ray you are going to get voted out next year anyway,,,,its time to go, and take joanne with you too...Tuesday was just a small taste of what is coming for you next year for the vote! The board meeting are no longer going to be a "fun time" for you two anymore, you are loosing your power little by little, and by the way sitting at the table on your cell phone while the kids of our school district are showing what they have been doing not a good idea, but that just shows your class....

Anonymous said...

To the May 22, 2008 Anonymous @ 09:05 hrs: You tell me to "get a grip! I sound like a person with an axe to grind"

Well I have a question for you now...are you connected to the this blogger? as when you post these it takes time for the owner now to view these and decide if they want to post it on their blog. So are you talking to me the 1st anonymous or the poster of the start of the comment???

Because just to let you know I've never been intrested in the BOE until all this mess was I will be watching and reviewing what I see.

Thank you!

A Worried Taxpayer

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous May 22, 2008 8:46 AM...You definitely need to grow up and become civilized. But 1st if you are going to attack someone be adult enough to put your entire name on the statements.

It would also help if you actually knew some facts. How can you mention class when you do not have one iota of class.

There has been enough low, nasty, ignorant statements made in the last 8 months.


As for the budget it should have been voted down!!!!

There is way too much money being used for non-essential and non-specific items. There should be NO item in a budget without a clear definition/description. We have been paying way too much for too long.

I guarantee, if school-tax was INCOME-TAXED instead of property-tax....Things would be MUCH different. People would really look at what and how things were being budgeted.

Economically speaking though - It should actually be sales-tax based instead. More money would be gathered from a larger base. Then the money would be distributed better.

Disgusted Taxpayer

Anonymous said...

Dear disgusted Taxpayer:

No one wants there taxes raised,it is the sign of the times.

If you voted "No" & it won, your taxes would still go up 4%+.
The school district was just asking a little more.

I remember last year when people Voted "No". Did they actually realize the Contigent plan was Higher?

You should not vote "no" out of anger.

Our children need these programs.

I am glad it passed :O)

Anonymous said...

Residents may want to observe the interaction of the BOE and Superintendent Guptil, to see if th"good ole' boys" network mentality is still in effect! Unfortunately, there are still several members of the BOE who are "still out to get" anyone connected to our former superintendent. Ms. Guptil, who clearly supported these people before becoming superintendent, is now finding herself on the other side, bowing to the direction of "those" BOE members who have a "vendetta" against Mr Brewer!!! It is imperative that the BOE provide documentation to support what they are now, once again, attempting to do!! What a sad commentary for those who had such high hopes for this ditrict, under new leadership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!